Why did God give the 10 Commandments and the Law? So people would think of Him as some prudish judge looking down on us, holding a big.black marker in His hand, just waiting for us to do something wrong so He could check it off and give us a demerit? No! God is holy and righteous, awesome and mighty, loving and forgiving. He gave us the Commandments and the Law to expose our sins, show that we could never redeem ourselves, our desperate need of Him, and make us more aware of His holy nature. He can’t abide sin in His presence, yet, as exposed as our sins are, He still wants us to be in heaven with Him. Thus, He gave us Jesus. He shows us His nature, exposes our sins, and then provides a way to reckon both. Doesn’t sound like someone with a big, black marker to me. He wants to spend time with us, care for us, help us in every way. Throw away the black marker idea. When Jesus is your Lord and Savior, you can stand before God and He won’t see any demerits, He will see nothing but His Son!