These are anxious times, troubling times, and they can be somewhat depressing times. Life as we know it is changing, and whether we like it or not, we will have to adapt to those changes, but one thing that hasn’t changed is the church! We are still the body of Christ and (this is not a newsflash,it’s actually old news) we are essential! No viruses or politicians or doctors can ever shut down the church. Nothing can stop us from worshiping, praying, loving one another, encouraging one another, from making a difference. Nothing can stop us from being His light! Of course, being together as a body on Sunday is the best way to charge your batteries to face the world for a week, but until things are back to semi-normal there is nothing to stop us from our daily private prayer and Bible reading time, or from calling or texting at least one person a day to encourage them. There is nothing stopping us from showing our neighbors and strangers God’s loving kindness. There is nothing stopping us from being the church! Don’t focus on the situation, focus on the Lord! Think about the early church and all the obstacles they faced, yet they thrived! We are the church, we are essential to the world (because God says so), and until the Lord takes us all home, let us strive to thrive!