How do you describe joy or what is joy to you? Is it determined by outside circumstances and influences or does it come from an inner peace? Do people or situations easily steal your joy? Webster defines joy as “a very glad feeling” but feelings are fickle and can quickly change, so does that mean your joy is fleeting? Worldly joy is a vapor that can evaporate in a heartbeat, but Godly joy, the joy of Jesus, the joy of the Holy Spirit in your heart, is a joy that will last for eternity. The joy of the Lord is our strength, one of the fruit of the Spirit is joy, Jesus wants His joy to remain in us that our joy may be full! The world may rage against us, but it can never take the joy of our salvation. The best example of never losing your joy is Paul and Silas, after being beaten, chained, and thrown into a filthy prison, rather than resting to regain their strength, they sat up praying and singing hymns at midnight! I wish I could say I’d do the same, hopefully I’ll never find out, but they definitely set the joy bar! So keep your eyes on the Lord, let His joy be your strength, and go out rejocing everyday because He loves you, He forgave you, and He made you His child. If the world starts wearing you down just start singing, “I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, joy, down in my heart, down in my heart to stay!”