It’s the most wonderful time of the year as the Philip’s Ministry once again had their annual Christmas Party hosted by Pastor Curt & Dreama. The night started off with a competition for the ladies with the best ‘festive jewelry/accessories’ and was it ever tough for our judges. All the tables were decorated by different individuals from the congregation. Charlotte Paul, director of the Philip’s Ministry welcomed everyone and reminded all that while the holidays are tough we have each other to lean on. Audrey Delcompare sang beautifully the songs White Christmas & Silver Bells for the ladies. The singing continued as Pastor Steven played dinner music on the piano & singing several Christmas carols including favorites like Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer, Frosty the Snowman, Deck the Halls, & Away In a Manger. There was so much food as the ladies each brought different appetizers and finger foods…these ladies know how to cook! Helen Wilson read several nice notes about Pastor Curt and Dreama and just how much the widows ministry loves our Pastor and his wife with their involvement with this special group of ladies. We also celebrated 3 birthdays last night…Happy Birthday to Greta Mullins, Chris Rossenbach, & Lorna Harris. It was such a nice way to indeed “Have yourself a very merry Christmas with faithful friends who are dear to us!”