By, Tim Irving – Evangelism Team

As we go through life we meet many people, have many acquaintances, develop several friendships, but with how many of those friends do we have a truly deep relationship? We may say we have some close friends, but be honest and admit how many of those close friends are really only surface relationships?

Most people are fortunate if they have three deep friendships. Jesus was the same way. He had numerous disciples that followed Him but He narrowed it down to 12 with whom He would spend the most time sharing and teaching. Of the 12, He chose three to get more personal with, and then down to Peter as the one He was the closest. Wise is the person who makes God his closest friend! With whom he has the deepest relationship, spends the most time, and amazingly, God will make the time for them too! We need to be in constant communication with Him. We need to be honest with Him, sharing our disappointments, sharing our joys, confessing our shortcomings, which we all have many. As in any relationship, we need to value what He values, we need to be upset with what upsets Him, and in today’s world, there is much to be upset about!

For all of King David’s many failings, God still considered him a man after His own heart. May we follow his example and say from our own hearts, “One thing I desire of the Lord, that I will seek. That I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in His temple.”