When the king of Syria sent his army to capture Elisha and surrounded the city he was in, why didn’t Elisha become afraid? When David went out to battle Goliath, a mere shepherd not a soldier, why was he so courageous? When you face seemingly overwhelming odds, why should you be confident? Elisha was a man of God, he knew Him, he knew whose he was, and God gave him eyes to see the bigger picture, as He also allowed Elisha’s servant to see His fiery chariots surrounding the Syrian army. David, angered by the uncircumcised Philistine’s defiance of the army of the living God, told Saul, just as God delivered him from a lion and a bear, He would deliver him from Goliath. David trusted in God’s faithfulness. Do you, if you have received God’s grace, surrendered your heart to Jesus, ever really face overwhelming odds? There is none greater, there is none stronger than our God. Any battle you face, you’ve already won! Victories can come with scars, the other side does play dirty, but they can be used for reminders of His faithfulness. So, stay strong in the Lord, look to Him and trust in Him in all things, remember greater is He that is in you than he who is in the world, and know the battle is won before it has begun!