Jul 17, 2023 | #MotivationMondayatCapri, Devotion, General, Post
By, Tim Irving – Evangelism Team
Some people think they have to go to extremes to please God. They make vows and pledges, go on spiritual journeys and quests, go into meditative trances for days and think they are pleasing Him but all they are really doing is pleasing themselves with their faux religion. You want to do what matters to God? Then do what Jesus told us to do! “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. You shall love your neighbors as yourself. You shall love one another as I have loved you!” Whole lot of lovin’ going on there but that is what He wants us to do and to do all that lovin’ we need to spend time with Him and others. A wise woman I know has always told me the greatest gift I could give her was my time. God is saying the same thing. Show Him you love Him by spending time with Him daily. Show Him you love Him by spending time with His children. Show Him you love Him by spending time with the unlovable, as He did and does. Relationships take work, aren’t always easy or enjoyable. So start with your personal relationship with Him first and let Him help you with the others. Loving relationships are what matter to Him. Strive to show Him how much He matters to you!
Jul 10, 2023 | #MotivationMondayatCapri, Devotion, General, Post
By, Tim Irving – Evangelism Team
In a world that celebrates ego, it’s hard to be humble. If you’re not tooting your own horn there must be something wrong with you or you’ve got nothing worth tooting about! The world is getting more messed up every day. I blame Vince Lombardi for starting to send things downhill when he told his players, “Winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing!” Maybe to a football franchise but not in everyday life! Want to be really successful, an ultimate winner? Then surrender for victory! Surrender your life to Jesus. Give Him control, not only a part of your heart, but all of it! You say you trust Him, then trust Him! He knows you, all about you, and He knows what you need and when you need it. Wait on Him to open doors for you, don’t go around kicking them down. He knows where the lady and the tiger are. Trust Him not to let you get eaten! Let’s make it simple. Let go, let God! Now you’re in the driver’s seat and you don’t even need to touch the wheel!
Jul 3, 2023 | #MotivationMondayatCapri, Devotion, General, Post
BY, Tim Irving – Evangelism Team
The 4th of July is upon us again! The weekend started out with the Veteran’s breakfast on Saturday morning and continued with the patriotic concert “It’s America” on Sunday morning with a “picnic” after the 11:15 service. Thank you Pastor Steve and the praise team and Cathy and her crew for all the hard work to help make it a special celebration of our nation’s birth and independence! We are a truly blessed nation. Even with all the turmoil in the world and our own country, we are truly blessed. Let us never forget or take our eyes off of Whom all our blessings flow! Its not from any political party or politician or person. Our country is what it is because of men who honored God in all aspects of their lives and incorporated their faith into the foundation of the nation and He blessed them and this land for it. He still blesses this country because of all the men and women who honor Him in all aspects of their lives … but for how much longer? Enjoy the parades, BBQ’s, and fireworks. Remember those who valiantly fought for the freedoms we take for granted, but most of all, remember from Whom all blessings flow!
Jun 19, 2023 | #MotivationMondayatCapri, Devotion, General, Post
By, Tim Irving – Evangelism team
The responsibility of fathers can never be stressed enough. When men don’t live up to the role God assigned them, the family will suffer. Children are always seeking role models and what better place to find one than in their own home? Be aware fathers and grandfathers, young eyes are watching you! Teach them how to love and be loved. Providing them with material needs is important, but even more so is meeting their emotional needs. Teach them to respect women by loving and respecting their mother. Teach them colorblindness. That all men, regardless of their race, are created equally by the same Heavenly Father that created them. Most importantly, teach them about God, about Jesus, about His love, His sacrifice, His salvation. Teach them by your actions, your reactions, your consistency in Sunday worship. Every person is responsible for their own choices, but as fathers, we are responsible to do all we can to help our children make right ones. I am very thankful for the earthly father I was fortunate to have. I am very thankful for being a father and a grandfather, and even though I have fallen short and let them down too many times, they have always known how much I love them. I am truly thankful for my Heavenly Father and His uncomprehending love. Help us Lord, to be better fathers to our children and better sons to You!
Jun 12, 2023 | #MotivationMondayatCapri, Devotion, General, Post
By, Tim Irving – Evangelism Team
I don’t know about you, but I had a real ah ha or maybe it was an oh no moment from one of the Scriptures Pastor Steve read yesterday. When Jeremiah told the exiles to live their lives as normally as possible he added, “but seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your own welfare.” We have been brought to a country, one that is far from perfect, but one in whose welfare “we find our own welfare.” As an exile, Daniel is one of the best examples of a Christian you can find and he didn’t even know Christ! He didn’t whine and complain, just did his best in all things. His integrity, his loyalty, his work ethic, to God first, could not be questioned and regardless of who the ruler was, he did his best to help that ruler and the country prosper. Can that be said of all Christians today? Regardless of who is in charge, do we want to see them succeed or do we degrade them and joy over their failures? Of course we don’t support their policies that go against Who we stand for, but are we building bridges or tearing them down? Our first priority is to bring people to Jesus but does our negativity toward certain leaders drive them away instead? We want to live in peace and prosperity and we want to obey God. So, before you get sent into exile somewhere, when you talk about our country and its leaders, think about what you’re saying and make sure it lines up with what God’s word says!