May 1, 2023 | #MotivationMondayatCapri, Devotion, General, Post
By, Tim Irving – Evangelism Team
What’s the reason for everything? The question of the ages (kinda like why is there air) with many philosophical responses but only one right answer. Revelation is a very cool but complicated book, but look at 4:11. “You are worthy O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power .For You have created all things. And by Your will they exist and were created.” What is the reason for anything/everything? Because He created it, by His will it exists, and only He is worthy to receive honor and glory from His children, from His angels. We are to honor Him with our worship, our obedience, by becoming more Christ like, by maturing in our faith, and by serving others. Contrary to some people the world does not revolve around them but because He set it to spinning! While the heavens and earth boldly declare God’s glory and amazing creative handiwork, some people just don’t get it. That is why we who have been blessed to understand and accept His truth, need to tell others. Good news isn’t meant to be kept secret and the good news of the Gospels is something people need to know! You probably aren’t called to be a world evangelist but we are all called to be lifestyle ones! Let people see the Lord in you so that one day, they will see Him in person too!
Apr 24, 2023 | #MotivationMondayatCapri, Devotion, General, Post
By, Tim Irving – Evangelism Team
Friendships are a meaningful part of life. Relationships are the foundation to an enjoyable Christian life. First and foremost, our relationship with Jesus as our Lord and Savior which opens our relationship with God and the Holy Spirit. Then the relationships we have with our brothers and sisters in Him. We are the church, one body. We should be of the same mind. (we’re talking spiritual things here, not necessarily worldly things) There should be no schisms in the body but the members should care for and about one another. When one receives joyful news, we should be joyful for them. When a tragedy befalls and leaves one grieving, we should grieve with and for them. When someone tickles the foot, doesn’t the whole body laugh? When a hammer smashes a finger, doesn’t the whole body shudder in pain? The body cares about its smallest member! We need to be real with one another, share our ups and downs with each other, be always ready to forgive one another as Jesus forgave us. Don’t be cocky or put on airs, we are all equal in God’s eyes, we’ve only be given different jobs to do all of which are important. The Church should be the most desirable place where one can be. It should be a place of honesty, caring, forgiving, accepting, and love. It will be that place when the most important relationship its people have is with Jesus!
Apr 17, 2023 | #MotivationMondayatCapri, Devotion, General, Post
By, Tim Irving – Evangelism Team 
An old friend and Pastor of mine, who grew up on a dairy farm in Vermont, told me he often would rather minister to cows than people. Why do you think the Bible often refers to people as sheep? People aren’t always the easiest creatures to get along with, be they believers or not. Yet one of the ways God wants us to show our love for Him is through our love for one another. Paul told the Philippians, “fulfill my joy by being like minded, having the same love, being of one accord, having the same mind … let each one of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.” If everyone did that we would all get along famously! It doesn’t mean everyone is your best friend, admittedly there are some people I just don’t like, but I can love them. Rifts between people still happen but they need to be mended. You are not responsible for anyone’s actions but your own. If a rift occurs between you and someone, you are the one responsible to try and mend it. Pray about it, don’t talk about it. Listen with both ears to their side of the story, pray about it, confess your part of the problem, do all you can to restore the relationship, and if the other person refuses, pray about it and let it go, you tried. You are only responsible for your willing heart to reconcile the rift. Maybe if we all spent more time removing the planks from our own eyes we wouldn’t notice any specks in other eyes. As Paul wrote the Romans, “If it is possible as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men.” Especially our brothers and sisters in the Lord!
Apr 10, 2023 | #MotivationMondayatCapri, Devotion, General, Post
By, Tim Irving – Evangelism Team
As the year and time flies by, so does another Easter celebration and this year at CCC it was definitely a celebration! With an assist from the Acting Up disciples, the choir performed a moving cantata to a record attendance for our Maundy Thursday service.
The tent went up in the newly designed and cramped field, creating many new challenges, but it was another record attendance of 1200! Pastor Steve and the praise team rocked the ropes and Pastor Curt delivered his typical meaningful message. Pastor Tim led communion and provided the children with an egg hunt after the service.
Plus don’t forget the sunrise service at Fiddler’s which also had another record attendance! There is so much planning and work and sweat that goes into this event that some people wonder why we do it. Because if one heart is touched and surrendered to Jesus, it’s worth it! Want a catchphrase? It’s worth it for one! However much sweat and tears we put into the tent service, it is nothing compared to the blood and pain Jesus put in for us. And He did it for you, you were worth it to Him! I can never thank all the volunteers who set up, broke down, parked cars, ate cookies, nearly enough, but thank you for helping to provide a venue that may have changed one heart forever!
Apr 4, 2023 | #MotivationMondayatCapri, Devotion, General, Post
By Tim Irving – Evangelism Team
The road ahead will be rocky, but today it is made smooth. Joyous, hopeful people pave the path with palm branches, clothes off their very own backs! They sing praises, they shout Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! The King of Israel! But jealous ears hear and envious eyes see and the enemy prepares. From adulation to scornful rejection in a few short days, but there was a purpose. We wonder why we go through “dark nights of the soul,” feeling our prayers aren’t being answered or even heard, but they are! The gym rats motto “no pain, no gain,” can be applied to our soul as well. Trials strengthen our faith, help us see His promises fulfilled. Do we let the first sign of hard times drive us closer to or farther from Him, because He never leaves us! Trials should bend your knees and fold your hands! Even knowing full well what was going to happen after the garden, Jesus spent His last free time in earnest and agonizing prayer, accepting the ordeal that lay ahead of Him. No one likes or wants to go through a “winter of the soul” but it can be endured. Trust Him more, trust His word, trust His promises! It takes work to build muscles. It takes trials and trust to build spiritual muscles. Be ready, you never know when it may be time to “Pump you up!”