People say they don’t want to offend anyone by mentioning Jesus’ name. I guess instead of hurting their feelings they would rather see them rot in hell! That sounds a little harsh but isn’t that basically true? When we don’t tell the whole truth about who Jesus is, what He did for us on the cross, and what needs to be done to get into heaven, isn’t that what we are doing? There is no two stepping around the Gospel. Jesus is the Son of God, He was sacrificed to atone for our sins, and as Paul simply put it in Romans 10:9, “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” You can chant, meditate, pray to people, worship idols, burn incense, repeat other people’s prayers all you want, it won’t do you any good. Or you could do what God says to do. Don’t worry about offending anyone, worry about them spending eternity in 100 degree heat and 98% humidity! Be ready to be offensive. The Sword of the Spirit, the Bible, is an offensive weapon. You don’t need to be waving it around like a light saber, but don’t be afraid to use it to save a soul from hell! If it offends them, you tried, their choice.