While every Sunday is a joyous celebration of our risen Savior, you can’t help but take Easter up a notch, and this year was no exception. It started with a fantastic Maundy Thursday service with Pastor Steve and the choir delivering a heart moving cantata featuring communion lead by Jesus and the Apostles in a Last Supper motif. It was a beautiful day for the Easter tent service with Pastor Steve and the praise team leading the worship music, Pastor Wes leading the communion, Pastor Curt with his usual right on sermon, and Pastor Tim delivering the closing prayer to approximately 1000 people. Few realize how much work and how many people it takes to put on our Easter service, but if one heart is changed and given to the Lord, it is all worth it! I would like to thank all the Pastors, the choir and praise team, our new group of men’s actors, all the many volunteers who helped setting up chairs, cleaning chairs, staked out the field, got up early to move and set up equipment, the A/V team, the children’s ministry team, the parking crew, the First Impressions and Welcome Center teams, our nurses, the Celebrate Recovery and Prayer Shawl teams, and the security team for making it a great and safe weekend. It is a team effort and it is a winning team because our Manager is Risen and He is Alive!

Pictures and Article by Tim Irving – Evangelism Team