FIREIn these times it’s hard to get excited about anything. Viruses, violence, and a vacuum in unity, we are fast becoming the dis-united states One could easily become discouraged, depressed, but that’s only if your eyes are on man … who is not in charge! Countries may collapse, but God doesn’t need countries, He needs people, He uses people! We are His church, and regardless of worldly turmoil, our mission is the same and nothing can ever change that. We need to fan the fire He has put in our hearts. We need to continue in His Word and prayer more than ever. We need to pray for our country but we need to pray for the individuals who are a part of it more! Pray for the lost, the fallen, the helpless and homeless. It’s individuals that make the difference. Pray for wisdom, pray for His help in all things, pray for eyes to see those that need the Lord and pray for what you can do to help lead them to Him. We will get back to semi-normal someday. Look forward to being together again, enjoyably serving one another using the gifts He’s given you. I miss the fun of being together, working together, serving together. Don’t let your flame go out! Fan the fire, keep His passion burning in your heart, and look forward to being together again soon!