By: Tim Irving – Evangelism Team
As Christians, giving should be a reflex action, it’s part of our DNA! God gave His Son, who gave His life to give us salvation, which then, we in return give Him our hearts, and the giving keeps going from there. We give our love to one another, we give of our income to help the church and those in need, and we give of our talents and time to encourage, build up, and serve others and the church. We’re Christians, that’s what we do! The beauty of giving to God is that He doesn’t look at the monetary amount we give (we all aren’t wealthy) or how we use our talents (we all aren’t Carrie Underwood), but He looks at the spirit in which they’re given and used. As Paul said to the Corinthians, “God loves a cheerful giver.” Many people probably think the poor widow who put two mites into the treasury left there in a black hood and totally depressed but I have no doubt she was skipping and singing all the way home for the joy she had of giving back to God! So should we all feel as we give our tithes, serve using our talents in some capacity, or in giving to someone in need. Proverbs 9 says, “The generous soul will be made rich and he who waters will be watered himself.” God is so good, the more you give Him, the more He gives back. You just can’t out give God!