By, Tim Irving – Evangelism Team

What makes a good father? Well, according to the Scriptures Pastor Curt used yesterday, a good father is a pattern of good works, shows integrity, reverence, and incorruptability. He seeks God for wisdom, he listens, he is slow to speak and slow to anger. A good father loves and respects his wife and teaches his children to do the same. He instructs his children in God’s Word. He sets boundries for his children and disciplines them when they disobey. He provides for his family and he is firm in his faith. A good father is a blessing from God. Not all of us have had good fathers and there may be some scars, emotionally and physically that heed to be dealt with. Not all of us have been good fathers, but it isn’t too late to make amends and be the blessing your family deserves! Being a father is an awesome responsibility, one not to be taken lightly, but it is also an awesome privilege. Our Heavenly Father has set the example for men to follow. Seek His help, let Him teach you. Be the person you want your children to be. If you’ve been given the gift of fatherhood, use it wisely, and one day you will hear the greatest words an adult can say to you. I love you Dad!