BY, Tim Irving – Evangelism Team
The 4th of July is upon us again! The weekend started out with the Veteran’s breakfast on Saturday morning and continued with the patriotic concert “It’s America” on Sunday morning with a “picnic” after the 11:15 service. Thank you Pastor Steve and the praise team and Cathy and her crew for all the hard work to help make it a special celebration of our nation’s birth and independence! We are a truly blessed nation. Even with all the turmoil in the world and our own country, we are truly blessed. Let us never forget or take our eyes off of Whom all our blessings flow! Its not from any political party or politician or person. Our country is what it is because of men who honored God in all aspects of their lives and incorporated their faith into the foundation of the nation and He blessed them and this land for it. He still blesses this country because of all the men and women who honor Him in all aspects of their lives … but for how much longer? Enjoy the parades, BBQ’s, and fireworks. Remember those who valiantly fought for the freedoms we take for granted, but most of all, remember from Whom all blessings flow!