By Tim Irving – Evangelism Team

Jesus stood before Pilate, the time had come. Falsely accused, the Jewish leaders showed Him no mercy. Pilate showed Him no mercy as he had Him scourged. The Roman soldiers showed Him no mercy as they reviled Him and drove nails into Him! No mercy for the Lord of mercy! What had He done but have mercy on the poor, the sick, the spiritually lost. What He did was to provide mercy for everyone, the poor, the sick, the Jewish leaders, Pilate, the soldiers, for all who would ask throughout the ages. We have mercy because they were merciless to Him. His mercy bridged the gap between God and man. As it has been shown to us, how can we not show mercy to others? We can’t! Our mercy is to be shown to all. Our job is not to be judgmental, God is the only one qualified to judge. Our job is to show mercy regardless of race, nationality, income (or lack thereof), health, or lack of cultural upbringing. His mercy is meant for all. We are not meant to ride on high horses but to walk humbly along the narrow way. Let the world know we are Christians, let them know by our love and mercy!