Don’t you love how when you reprimand a little child for doing something wrong, they quickly promise they’ll never do it again, and they don’t … for at least 5 minutes. Promises, easily made, not so easily kept. How many promises have you broken over the course of your life? Did you know there are over 3000 promises from God in the Bible? If He made them, you can count on them! Let’s go over a few that Pastor Curt mentioned yesterday. He promises salvation for anyone and everyone who seeks it, Mark 16:16. He promises His presence, He will never leave you or forsake you, Matt 28:20. He promises His continued forgiveness, we have but to confess to Him to be cleansed, 1 John 1:9. He promises His provision for our needs (needs, not necessarily our desires) Luke 12:27,28. He promises to help us through temptations and provide a way of escape, 1 Cor 10:13. And He promises us eternal life, John 10:27,28. God’s Word is His Word, He promised it, He’ll do it! Next time you’re feeling down and discouraged, make your own list of God’s promises, look up and write down Scripture references yourself. Thank Him for all the undeserved guarantees He has promised you and the next time you sing “Standing on the Promises”, it will be with a renewed joy!