
Man makes things complicated, God makes things simple. God says do something this way and man says, yeah, but let’s add a bunch of stuff to that to make it confusing and hard to do. When the Pharisees and some scribes tried to intimidate Jesus because His disciples were not strictly following the traditions of the elders, He quickly put them in their place, showing how they were more concerned with man made rules instead of God’s. What about you? Are you more concerned with what your parents, priest, pastor, great aunt once told you than you are with what the Word of God says? Don’t get sidetracked into following man or holier than thou types that tell you they have all the answers. Some people love to hear themselves talk and many words do not necessarily make for much knowledge or wisdom. You want to be holy? Study and know God’s Word for yourself. Know what you believe and why and how to back it up with Scripture. Seek His guidance daily, obey His Word, and continually pray, “Create a clean heart in me oh Lord!”

Let’s Get Holy