By Tim Irving / Evangelism Team

Mothers have been shaping civilization since it began. “All I am I owe to my mother,” stated George Washington, and I’m sure many other world leaders throughout the ages have made the same statement. Where would the Hebrews have ended up without the courage and caring of Jachobed? Ignoring Pharoh’s edict and loving her son more, Moses’ mother made a waterproof basket and set him adrift on the Nile. Of course God’s hand was with him and orchestrated the rest of the story, but it all began with a mother’s love. We could relate countless stories of a mother’s love and sacrifice throughout the Scripture, throughout history, but we won’t. Suffice it to say, the loving bond a mother feels for her child is a gift from God, both for the mother and the child. Men will never fully understand or appreciate it, we can’t obviously, but we can be thankful for it. One day a year isn’t much time to celebrate for someone who is emotionally vested 24 hours a day for their entire life. So be thankful for your mother, let her know you are more than once a year. Thank God for her. Pray for her daily, you know she is for you! When you can, spend some time with her. Time is the gift she wants more than any other. If you can’t, at the very least, as we say in New England, “call your mutha!”