Oct 22, 2019 | General, Post
Our beautiful ladies are having a great morning in their fall Bible Study.
“Before Amen” is video Bible Study by Max Lucado, that will help you to let go uncertainties about your prayer life.
Joins every Tuesday in October at 9:30 am or at 6 pm
Aug 10, 2018 | General
– Mommy, please hurry! I don’t want to miss anything of today’s fun, My favorite part, the music is about to start!
We caught this conversation in the parking lot on our fourth day of VBS.
This group of amazing and all AMPED kids learned about The Early Church (John 13:34-35; Acts 2:42-47, 3:32-37). We remembered the great command of Jesus: to love one another as He loved us; in this way we will show that we are his disciples. The Early Church lived like people mattered and invested in each other while carrying on the command of Jesus.
But, How to live like people matter? Show them respect and treat them the way we want to be treated. We help them when they need it. We encourage or lift them up when they are hurting or going through a tough time. Showing someone that they matter can be as simple as smiling and asking them how things are going.
This AMPED day ended with more praise to The Lord time and we saw the protagonist of the parking lot conversation clapping and jumping with each song.
“I have come so they may have life. I want them to have it in the fullest possible way.”
John 10:10b, NIRV
Aug 8, 2018 | General
Awesome job by our Evangelism Ministry Team & Children’s Ministry.
What a great night to kickoff VBS. We had around 45 kids and adults come out for a Family Movie Night. Popcorn and Caprisun along with some Rice Krispie treats kept us going to enjoy watching Sherlock Gnomes.
Don’t forget to be praying everyday this week for kids and their learning how to live for Christ. Again we hope you are taking part in spreading the word and even bring someone to VBS. This is a church wide event that needs your participation.
Let’s all do our part this week!!!
Jul 27, 2018 | General
Sign up now! Vacation Bible School will be held August 6 – 10 from 6 – 8 PM.
This year we will discover what it looks like to live your best life.
It’s time to invite a family to come with yours!
Registration forms are available here
May 25, 2018 | General
This past Sunday Youth Pastor Timothy Gardiner recognized four of students who were graduating…Brock Wilson, Grace Anne Delcompare, Jacob Schneller, & Alicia Tower. During both of the worship hours Tim acknowledged all the graduates and shared some personal stories about them and their plans. Also, during the all-church dinner, there were tables set up for the graduates with a gift box and card for each student. We had the opportunity to congratulate each of the four students.
The Memorial Scholarship Committee also made their presentation to two of the students who had applied for the scholarship. The recipients were Jacob Schneller & Alicia Tower. Please join the Committee in congratulating these exceptional students who will begin another chapter of their life attending college.
May 24, 2018 | General
The lovely Lilies of the Field… graced the tables at last Sunday’s dinner. Not only in containers but also in frames with God’s word. Gerri Ditton, after many years of faithful direction, passed the spatula to Cathy McFarland who in return passed Gerri a dozen roses.
Food was flowing : Pastor Curt made his famous meatballs, there was fried chicken, delicious sliced ham, salads and veggies. Kris Kugler got her ” Snow White” hands into Blue Smurf gloves and placed hot casseroles on colorful mats. Kathy Ragland brought out dishes while Betsy Horton made sure each one had a serving spoon. Cheryl Gepford and Jane ; the drink ladies set up the pitchers for the tables,something new they’re trying so people can remain seated. And of course the dessert table was decadent. Clean up was slick, everyone working off their meal by folding and stacking the tables and chairs While others cleared away the empty dishes…washed and dried. I think Dory Way must have dried at least 54 pictures while smiling and Laura Lee was back and forth like the Flash… you thought you were watching a tennis match. The finale…Jim McFarland and the crew hauling the large green trash bags to the bin.
It takes a lot of work and happy people to put on a successful Sunday dinner, but here at Capri we are blessed because we… love God… love others… serve in love… until next time Family… Bon Appetite!