Apr 14, 2018 | General
What a great Easter Celebration we had 2 Sunday’s ago with over 1,100 of our family and friends here on Capri. We just want to thank Pastor Curt and our leaders and all of those volunteers who did so many ‘behind the scenes’ jobs to help organize and run the program side of Easter. Also thank you to each one of you invited and brought people with you. Pastor Tim and his volunteers had over 70 little ones participate in the CapriKidz Easter Egg Hunt.
Last Sunday Pastor Steven challenged us with the message ‘So, Now What’? Christ came out of the tomb, has your heart made Him room? We have work to do in helping the world to understand that every Sunday, every day for that matter, we celebrate the Risen Lord!
Let’s make it our top priority to live everyday as Easter Sunday…the celebration never ends
Here are some photos taken by our own Carla Huntington Abbate fro Easter Sunday at the tent. There are also a few shots from the Fiddler’s Creek Easter service that Pastor Curt and Pastor Steven lead before our service. Abbate from Easter Sunday at the tent. Also, there are a few shots of Pastor Curt and Pastor Steve leading the annual Fiddler’s Creek Easter service.
Feb 13, 2018 | General
Stadia is one of the mission works supported at the Capri Christian Church…
Stadia and their partners have planted almost 289+ U.S. churches and 189+ global churches and has mobilized sponsorship of over 30,000 children in impoverished communities. Stadia has had the honor of helping hundreds of great leaders like you start new churches. With these leaders, we share a passionate desire to see a world where every child will experience the love of Jesus Christ through the local church.
As Stadia celebrates 15 years of church planting, they are mobilizing 15,000 prayer partners to unleash God’s power in unprecedented ways. By becoming a PRAYER PARTNER, you help catapult Stadia to the next level of church planting so they’re regularly planting over 150 new churches annually. This is an aggressive goal, one they know can’t be accomplished out of their own effort.
To become one of the 15,000 prayer partners CLICK HERE to go their website to sign up and for more information of this mission work.
Also, we are glad to have attending with us, in season, Tom & Debbie Jones. Tom is an Executive Director with Stadia and would love to answer questions or tell you more about this work
Tom Jones, Executive Director
Feb 10, 2018 | General
The leadership of Capri has designated the month of February as Pastor Appreciation month for our three Pastors (Curt, Steven, & Tim). We invite all of you to take some time and encourage them in your own way to express your thankfulness to them and prayers for them (I Thessalonians 1:2). A box has been placed in the Welcome Center for you to drop off cards/gifts/notes. Thank you