Nov 7, 2023 | #MotivationMondayatCapri, Devotion, General, Post
By, Tim Irving – Evangelism Team
There are two sides to every issue. At least two teams in every contest, many candidates for only one job position, only one person may be president. There may be many prayers made but there is still only going to be one winner, one new employee, one new leader. A sobering thought but even God can’t please everyone! So if He can’t please everyone, why do you think you should? Man’s approval is temporary, the world’s glitz and glitter is temporary. What society deems significant will be replaced by the next popular psycho babble to come along. God’s approval is eternal, what’s important to Him never changes, pleasing God is what matters! The only reason we should seek men’s approval is so they would see something different in us, a kindness and caring the world rarely shows, that we may have an opportunity to share the Lord with them, and because of that difference they see, they would take what we say to heart. In all things, it is right to do what is pleasing to the Lord and seek His approval. People may find it strange that you choose not to run in certain circles, but they aren’t who you’re trying to please. God made you who you are. Use the gifts and personality He gave you to honor and please Him. Don’t look for approving words from men, but look forward to hearing the greatest words of approval you could ever hear. “Well done My good and faithful servant.”
Oct 2, 2023 | #MotivationMondayatCapri, Devotion, General, Post
By Tim Irving – Evangelism Team
James has always been one of my favorite books. He just lays it out there, no matter how hard it lands. “For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing will be there.” So every evil thing gets invited to the envy parties? Think I’ll burn my invitation ASAP! Needless to say, envy/coveting is not something God wants to see in His children. Here’s a good litmus test to see if there is any envy lurking within you. When you see or hear about God abundantly blessing someone, can you honestly and happily rejoice with and for them? Even if they are being blessed and you’re not? Even if they are being blessed with something you were praying for? While we may feel a slight twinge, we should readily rejoice with them and thank God for their answered prayer. He knows what He is doing, and He knows better than we do what we need and when we need it! Don’t worry about what others have or are given, make the most of what you have. Don’t worry about what talents others have, worry about using your talents to the best of your ability, and you do have talents. You’re only responsible for using what you have, not what you don’t have. We are all blessed in different ways, be thankful for the blessings you’ve been given. To make the case against envy simple, remember, anything and everything any of us have is a gift from God that none of us deserve, salvation being the top of the list! Keep that in mind and continually say, thank You Father, thank You Jesus, and envy no more!
Sep 18, 2023 | #MotivationMondayatCapri, Devotion, General, Post
By, Tim Irving – Evangelism Team
Time magazine came out with their 100 most significant people of all time and who do you think was number one? Jesus! That seals it, if Time said it, it must be true, and it is, not because Time said it, but because He is! Think about it. Here was a man who for the three years of His ministry was basically homeless, was never elected to or held any type of leadership office, was despised and defamed by both the political and religious leaders of His day until they finally brutally put Him to death, and He mostly hung around with what was considered the dregs of society. Yet a worldly, sophisticated, influential magazine calls Him the most significant figure in history! Guess they were listening when God said at His baptism, “This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased,” and later when He reiterated those words on the Mt of Transfiguration and added, “Hear Him!” Thing of it is, it doesn’t matter what Time says, why is Jesus significant to you? Is He your Lord and Savior? Is He significant enough to you that you live your life obeying His commandments, loving and serving others, telling others about Him? You are either all in with Him or you’re not, there is no straddling the picket fence with Jesus! Before your straddling comes to a painful conclusion, get that other foot out of the world and start walking securely on His narrow path. It may be the most significant thing you ever do!
Aug 28, 2023 | #MotivationMondayatCapri, Devotion, General, Post
By, Tim Irving – Evangelism Team
Jesus made many powerful statements but one simple sentence from Matthew 20:28 should affect our whole attitude in our Christian walk. “… the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve …” Jesus, Lord of Lords, King of kings, the Word in the beginning, the Savior of all mankind, didn’t come to be served … but to serve! Let that sink into your head for a minute. Jesus is our example in all things so, how are you doing in following His serving lead? He gave all of us talents to use for Him and others, are you using them? Do you make yourself available to help where and when there is a need? Do you serve gladly or are you resentful for giving up your precious time? Do you only do important tasks because you’re above doing menial ones? (be careful, Jesus washed His disciples feet!) You will never be too important to do mundane things. Being a Christian is all about serving, God first, then one another and others. We are to do what we are able, both physically and mentally, using the gifts we have, not ones we don’t! We should do our best, which doesn’t mean perfectly, but regardless of whom we are serving, we should do it as unto the Lord! Pay attention, be sensitive to the needs of others, listen to what they aren’t saying, be ready to help whenever and whoever, in season and out! Strive to one day hear the words that will echo in your heart forever, “Well done my good and faithful servant.”
Aug 14, 2023 | #MotivationMondayatCapri, Devotion, General, Post
By, Tim Irving – Evangelism Team
Temptations, who doesn’t have one, or two, or more? One of satan’s greatest tools to destroy and make Christians ineffective. What’s yours? The devil’s toolbox is limitless and he will use them all, if he has to, until he finds the one that works best on you. Slowly, subtly, until the temptation starts to build up in our heart and then we are enticed and drawn away by our desires that seem so good and harmless until they turn into a disaster! It’s easy to say the devil made me do it (and that’s partially true) but, no, he didn’t. He may have opened the door, lied to you about what you’re missing if you don’t go in,, but ultimately it is you that chooses to go across the thresh hold! But you don’t have to give in! We aren’t unaware, we have been warned about the devil’s lies and ruses. We are told to keep our feet from evil. If you have a problem with alchol, don’t hang out in bars! But most importantly, we are told in times of distress to call upon God! He’s there and wants to help us. As Paul affirms in 1 Cor 10, “… God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation, will also make the way of escape that you may be able to bear it.” Hey, temptations will come, and they can be very tempting, but use them to strengthen your faith by turning to your Heavenly Father to defeat the father of lies!
Aug 7, 2023 | #MotivationMondayatCapri, Devotion, General, Post
By, Tim Irving – Evangelism Team
In a dark and wicked world there is a place of refuge. A place of love and acceptance, a place for all, for any, who choose to seek it, a place ordained by God. That place is His church of which Jesus is the head. A world wide body of believers that worship in different buildings. Each building should be a beacon in the dark, a lighthouse to those floundering on the waves of the world. Their light should be shinning so bright with love and encouragement and unity that the lost and lonely would flock through their doors. The church of Jesus should be a place of peace, edification, and non-judgmental. The church, along with individuals, is an ambassador for the Lord. If people don’t see Him in the church, where are they going to find Him? No individual church is perfect, but that should be each one’s goal! While we all aren’t going to agree on every point of doctrine, we can agree to love one another, not to think less of ourselves but to think of ourselves less and others more. We can accept one another, as Jesus accepted us, with flaws and faults. As a church, we are an oasis in a dry and dusty land. Let us do all we can to make our oasis one where people find the living water that Jesus freely gives!