Carpet Cleaning Time

Continuing with our project of renovations and repairs to the church building; this coming week will be the turn of the carpet and Pt. Curt’s office.
Please help us after the second service Sunday, September 16th, 2018 to move the sanctuary chairs, the fellowship items as well as to pack Pt. Curt’s office.
Thanks for your help. Please, spread this message!

Demolition Day

Demolition Day

In case you haven’t heard our kitchen is getting a ‘facelift’ with new cabinets and counters. They are also upgrading to a much bigger sink that the big pots and pans will fit into and a dishwasher to help quick wash all those utensils.
Bob Hobgood and his property team have been busy with quite a few projects this summer already including…exterior painting of the building, tearing out the old ceiling tiles in the offices and painting along with new crown molding, the woman’s bathroom in the fellowship hall got some new additions, and the new lighting in the fellowship hall. If you’re a handy man/woman and you want to help with this ministry be sure and talk with Bob. He’s got a lot of projects going on and ones to come and he would love to let you use your skills.

Lunch Is Served

Lunch Is Served

Another great church dinner yesterday with the theme of ‘Back to School’.
Cathy McFarland (aka Lunch Lady In Chief) and her kitchen crew outdid themselves once again. They took us back to the ‘school cafeteria’ with a menu of Sloppy Joes and Tater Tots. Many remarked with compliments of the fun and how good the sloppy joes were. Speaking of fun…how about those special lunch ladies who served us…wow
Yesterday’s lunch was a reminder for us that our kids here at Capri and in Collier County are back to school for learning. Let’s remember to pray for them and be an encouragement to them. We’ve also been made aware that for a lot of kids the school meal may be their only meal and that sometimes they don’t have enough on their meal ticket to eat. We want to encourage you to look into this problem yourself and see how you can make a difference. Ask the Lord how you can help.
Finally, on the tables you saw the opportunities we have here at Capri for continued learning of Gods Word. The Apostle Paul told a young evangelist by the name Timothy these words ‘study to show yourself approved by God, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the Word of truth’ ~ 2 Timothy 2:15. Be sure and take advantage of being faithful in the Sunday School program, small groups, and the weekly assembly for some great times of teaching and learning!

We Need Your Help…..

Our administration and pastoral offices are getting a new ceiling and painted this weekend!
We are needing a hand of help in packing up office items and equipment
Please, stop by the church tomorrow, Wednesday 15th at 10:00 AM for couple hours and be part of this project!
Thank You!



The fifth day of VBS arrived. We are so AMPED. We have had so much fun and we learned a lot!!
The Apostle Paul brought the Bible Story today. His first reference in the Bible was as a persecutor of Christians, after a meeting with Jesus, He became a follower of Christ and an exponent for the Christian faith writing some books of the new testament.
Paul found himself being part of a bigger story! That story is the same story God continues to tell today!
And Do you know who else is part of that story? That’s right . . . YOU! Me! All of us can play a part in God’s BIGGER Story! And when you live like you are part of that story, people cannot help but see Jesus in you.
This wonderful week ended with a “water party” kids running and laughing, our volunteers and parents helping each other making sure everybody was having a good time, pizza, popcorn, more laughs and a truly family environment, Such an AMPED Blessing!
Please keep praying for our Caprikidz, parents and volunteers. We want to see each of them living according to God’s plan…..Fully Alive!!
We are gratefully for every kid attending, thank you parents for trust us.
As our Youth and Children Pastor, Tim Gardiner said: “This AMPED Week, has been our BEST VBS…Yet!!”  Well done VBS 2018 team!



With a group of 79 kids, parents and volunteers our third day of VBS had “The Road of Emmaus” as our Bible Story.
We heard about two friends who were on a journey and met a stranger along the way. The stranger turned out to be none other than Jesus. They thought he was dead, but he was ALIVE!
Knowing that Jesus is alive changes everything! It means that everything God ever said and everything Jesus ever did is TRUE.  And when we believe that Jesus’ death and resurrection has the power to save us, we can be fully alive with God forever!
We have been very blessed with an awesome team of volunteers in this 2018 VBS, all of them always willing to give the extra mile with the best attitude and a warm smile. A very special THANK YOU to our AMPED DREAM TEAM.

“I have come so they may have life. I want them to have it in the fullest possible way.”

John 10:10b, NIRV