With a group of 79 kids, parents and volunteers our third day of VBS had “The Road of Emmaus” as our Bible Story.
We heard about two friends who were on a journey and met a stranger along the way. The stranger turned out to be none other than Jesus. They thought he was dead, but he was ALIVE!
Knowing that Jesus is alive changes everything! It means that everything God ever said and everything Jesus ever did is TRUE.  And when we believe that Jesus’ death and resurrection has the power to save us, we can be fully alive with God forever!
We have been very blessed with an awesome team of volunteers in this 2018 VBS, all of them always willing to give the extra mile with the best attitude and a warm smile. A very special THANK YOU to our AMPED DREAM TEAM.

“I have come so they may have life. I want them to have it in the fullest possible way.”

John 10:10b, NIRV