We Know The Way
These are troubling times, but what did Jesus say? “Let not your heart be troubled.” If we believe in God, if we trust in Jesus, if we believe His Word, why should troubling times trouble us? They shouldn’t! But, we are human, and as strong as our faith may be, thinking about stepping from the finite into the infinite can cause a little angst. Kinda like jumping out of a perfectly good airplane with a parachute that has never been used before. You don‘t know for sure it’s going to work, until it does! Life is full of uncertainties, but God’s Word isn’t one of them! Jesus said He has prepared a place for us, that He wants us to be there with Him, and that we know the way there. There are many people, like Thomas, who quickly ask, “how do we know the way?” Jesus answers that with total clarity. “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” You believe in God, you trust in His Son, you believe His Word, then you know the way! During these strange times, take precautions, think of the health and safety of others, call and encourage one another, don’t do foolish things, obey the mandates, and let not your heart be troubled. Picture that parachute, fully opened, billowing with air, securely holding you up as you sail along, until it gently drops you off at one of His prepared mansions!