Good Fathers

By, Tim Irving - Evangelism Team What makes a good father? Well, according to the Scriptures Pastor Curt used yesterday, a good father is a pattern of good works, shows integrity, reverence, and incorruptability. He seeks God for wisdom, he listens, he is slow to...

What He Sees

By, Tim Irving - Evangelism Team People, parents, peers, can be some of the biggest discouragers. They have the tendency to judge by worldly standards and if someone doesn't meet or live up to them, then they're failures, haven't got what it takes, will never make...

One In The Son

By, Tim Irving - Evangelism Team Ever play with Legos? Of course, everyone has played with Legos one time or another. They are pretty cool, how the engineers designed so many sizes and shapes and colors to mesh together perfectly and be made into fantastic structures....

Hope On The Horizon

By, Tim Irving - Evangelism Team When someone says, "I sure hope I get into Heaven," they probably won't! God doesn't want us to hope we'll get into Heaven, He wants us to know we'll get into Heaven. Hope isn't some vague, unsure longing, but a solid sense of...

Heavenly Home

By, Tim Irving - Evangelism Team One of the most foolish statements a person can utter is, "Well, at least when I get to hell all my rowdy friends will be there." Really. Must be one bunch of bad dudes partyin' down there huh, but guess what? Nobody's that bad and...

Lead On

By, Tim Irving - Evangelism Team We are given many instructions on what is expected of a leader in the church by Paul in his letters to Timothy and Titus and by Peter in his first letter, but none clearer than the words of Jesus in Mark 10. "For the Son of Man did not...


By, Tim Irving - Evangelism Team There are two sides to every issue. At least two teams in every contest, many candidates for only one job position, only one person may be president. There may be many prayers made but there is still only going to be one winner, one...

Envy No More

By Tim Irving - Evangelism Team James has always been one of my favorite books. He just lays it out there, no matter how hard it lands. "For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing will be there." So every evil thing gets invited to the envy...


By, Tim Irving - Evangelism Team Time magazine came out with their 100 most significant people of all time and who do you think was number one? Jesus! That seals it, if Time said it, it must be true, and it is, not because Time said it, but because He is! Think about...

Servant’s Heart

By, Tim Irving - Evangelism Team Jesus made many powerful statements but one simple sentence from Matthew 20:28 should affect our whole attitude in our Christian walk. "... the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve ..." Jesus, Lord of Lords, King of...