By, Tim Irving – Evangelism Team

People, parents, peers, can be some of the biggest discouragers. They have the tendency to judge by worldly standards and if someone doesn’t meet or live up to them, then they’re failures, haven’t got what it takes, will never make anything of themselves, but not so with God. He sees us through His eyes, He knows what we are capable of doing. Amidst all his protests and reasons why he wasn’t able to, God knew Moses was the one to lead His people out of Egypt. God knew a young shepherd boy was capable of slaying a huge warrior and becoming a great king. He could see that a teenage girl was worthy to deliver and be a mother to His Son. He knew a religious scholar, full of zeal for Judaism and his people, would be the perfect candidate to evangelize the world for Jesus. Think about that. Paul was probably the most unlikely person to be a Christian missionary, but God knew him, saw him through His eyes, not the world’s, and He used him to turn the world upside down for the Lord! So what about you? God knows you, knows what you are capable of, do you? Have you asked Him? He’s not going to ask you to turn the world upside down, already been done, but there may be a few apple carts that only you can turn over! Maybe it’s time to ask God what He sees in you. There may be an eagle just below the surface of the canary waiting to soar!