Get off the Fence, Get Serious

Get off the Fence, Get Serious

By, Tim Irving – Evangelism Team

Can you imagine the look on people’s faces when Jesus called out, “Lazarus come forth,” and he did! After being in the tomb for four days, wrapped in grave clothes, Lazarus staggers out, all the mourners letting out a collective gasp, must have been quite a sight. I love the King James version of what Martha’s first reaction was when Jesus told them to roll away the stone. “Lord, by now he must stinketh.” I can’t help but see Jesus chuckle to Himself. He knew Martha, Mary, and Lazarus He knew their devotion to Him, their love of God, their want to do His will. He knew Martha’s desire to serve and Mary’s desire to learn. Mary was the one who anointed Him with costly oil and wiped His feet with her hair. He felt their grief as they mourned the loss of their brother as the Jews witnessed, “Jesus wept.” He knew them, they knew Him, they had a close relationship … and so does He want that with you! Not an hour a week Sunday morning relationship but a daily constant relationship! Spending time in His Word, in prayer, in sharing your concerns, your troubles, your joys. How and why do people go to church to worship someone they don’t really know? Pastor Steve shared a great point in our study of Hosea in Sunday School. Worship doesn’t lead to a relationship with God but a relationship with God will lead to worship! Time to get serious with God! He wants you to know Him as He knows you and you don’t have to wait for the weekend to start! He is available right now!

One In The Son

One In The Son

By, Tim Irving – Evangelism Team

What’s the first thing that comes to mind about being a shepherd? Dirty, stinky, smelly, lonely, boring, but probably not oh man what a great learning experience. But what did Moses do for forty years before he was ready to lead God’s people? What did David do through his youth to prepare him to be king? And what did Jesus choose to liken Himself? The Good Shepherd! The Shepherd that leads His sheep by still waters, restores their souls, fills their wants. The Shepherd that willingly, out of love, lays down His life for His sheep. The Shepherd that wants all His sheep to be one flock, together in unity. In His final hours, one of His last prayers was for the future unity of all believers. If Jesus is your Savior, it doesn’t matter if you’re from Asia, Africa, the Americas, or Europe, we are one flock, we are His sheep, we are brothers and sisters. The words of the world and the devil are aimed at causing division, and obviously they are succeeding in our country, but that should never be the case in the flock of God! We have one Father, one Savior, one Spirit. We may not all worship quite the same or totally agree on all doctrinal issues, but if you claim the name of Jesus, we are one! Instead of finding petty differences, find what motivates your passion for the Lord and do it! Everyone’s passion isn’t the same, everyone’s talents aren’t the same, and that’s a good thing. So pray about what the Lord has laid on your heart, not what He hasn’t on someone else’s, and pray for Him to help you accomplish it. Pray for unity among believers! Just imagine what the world would be like if all the Christians worked together! Whoa!

Guard The Gate

Guard The Gate

By, Tim Irving – Evangelism Team

Jesus used different analogies when referring to Himself, the Light of the world, the Bread of life, the way, the truth, and the life, all of which we can easily grasp, but the analogy the people of His time could readily relate to was I am the Good Shepherd. While these days shepherding isn’t the most popular profession, back then it was a way of life for many people and most knew the work, the hardships, and the dangers faced in being a good shepherd. Shepherds knew their sheep, cared for their sheep, protected their sheep, and their sheep knew them and the sound of their voices. Sheep aren’t on the high side of the intelligence scale and they can easily be led astray. Funny how the Lord likens people to sheep yet Jesus still wants to be our Good Shepherd. He knows us, He knows our name! Sheepfolds only had one way in and one way out and the shepherd would stand at that gate guarding against any possible predators. So too does Jesus want to stand at the gate of our hearts, to protect us from any harmful thing that may try to enter there. But, do you have a hidden back door, maybe only a little one that nothing too harmful could sneak in through, but one only you have the key to open? You choose the gatekeeper to your heart. If you choose or have chosen Jesus, allow Him to control your whole heart! Allow Him to seal up any secret passages or trap doors, allow Him to guard it, and allow Him to truly be your Good Shepherd!



By, Tim Irving – Evangelism Team

Mothers control the world! Through their loving and nurturing or their total lack thereof, they shape those who control the world. Truly blessed are those who have had godly mothers and what a different world it would be if everyone had had one! Let’s make our mothers proud and strive to follow the Lord’s example. So what was Jesus’ example? He touched the untouchable, He loved the unlovable. He preached His good news but didn’t just stand around talking, He showed people He meant what He said. As the old saying aptly states, “People don’t care about what you know, they want to know that you care.” People are watching us, listening to our words, gauging our actions. They don’t care about our hot air, they care about our integrity and sincerity. You want to make your mother happy and build treasure in Heaven at the same time? Set the example, be the example, be diligent in morality, guard your words, in all things let your conduct be worthy of the Lord. Think the world is a mess today? Think what it would be like if there had never been any godly mothers! Thank the Lord if you had one and set the example for Him even if you didn’t!

See For The First Time

See For The First Time

By, Tim Irving – Evangelism Team

Can you imagine what it must have been like for the man who was blind from birth to have his eyes opened by Jesus? To suddenly put vision to what had previously only been sounds and smells, to see colors, to see the beauty of God’s creation, all at once, for the first time? Whoa! Later when the Pharisees tried to demean Jesus to him, he gave his classic answer. “Whether He is a sinner or not I do not know. One thing I know, that I was blind, and now I see!” The self righteous Pharisees were quick to pass judgment and call anyone who didn’t do things their way sinners. Sadly, they couldn’t see the truth of who Jesus was. Sadly, much of the world is still blinded to who Jesus is, but it isn’t a physical blindness now, nor was it then. As Paul said in 2 Cor 4:4, “Whose minds the god of this age (satan) has blinded, who do not believe …” While physical blindness is tragic, spiritual blindness is a tragedy that lasts forever! We need to help open those spiritual eyes. We need to convey we are all sinners and have sinned, all of us, saved or unsaved, and while we like to deem some sins greater than others, to God sin is sin. We need to help shine the Lord’s light on those blinded spiritual minds, that they may see their need to accept the Savior God provided for us all. It can be a daunting task, but it is one we are called to do. I can still remember, 44 years ago, the joy of the day I could say, I was blind but now I see. Let’s help others to see that joy too!