By Tim Irving – Evangelism Team

You may have an electric baby grand piano sitting in your living room, polished, shining, looking grand, but if it isn’t plugged in what is its purpose aside from gathering dust? It is meant to resonate with beautiful music, but unplugged, it sits in silence, not fulfilling the purpose for which it was made. The devil loves unplugged people, loves to see them isolated, especially Christians! The lame line people use, “the beach, the mountains, nature is my church” is exactly what the devil loves to hear. Yes, you can feel God’s presence and have moving spiritual moments alone with Him in His creation, but then you need to get back to the church. Not the building but the body of Christ.! We are a part of His body, whether an eye, an ear, a toe, or whatever, and we are a needed part of that functioning body. When a toe is missing the foot lets the whole body feel its pain. When the back is being rubbed, the whole body relaxes. We need each other, we need to share each other’s joys and sorrows, to encourage each other, strengthen each other, help each other to develop spiritual maturity. It isn’t an option, it is what He expects and tells us to do. The NT writers used the term one another over 50 times for a reason! We are His church, His body, we need Him and we need each other! Have your quiet times with Him each day, get alone with Him in nature, and then come together and help the body stay strong and healthy and whole. We don’t want to be missing any toes!