Dec 27, 2022 | #MotivationMondayatCapri, Devotion, General, Post
By, Tim Irving – Evangelism Team
December is a great month; celebrations, parties, decorations, parades, almost everybody is happy, smiling, kind to one another, and then, it’s over! For some cynical people, December 26th is their happiest day of the year because Christmas is over. For many people, December 26th is their saddest day of the year because Christmas is over. But … it isn’t! Jesus came to be our Lord and Savior every day, for all our lives, for eternity! The world accepts the babe in the manger but not the man on the cross and that’s where the celebration really is! While it’s not realistic to do the outward December celebration all year long, inwardly that celebration should be going on every day. If you accepted God’s grace and given your heart to Jesus, it’s not over. The celebration is never over! You’ve got a loving Heavenly Father, a personal Lord and Savior, a 24/7 on call Councilor, and a Heavenly home waiting for you! The lights may come down, the parties may end, but it’s not over, it barely has begun!
Dec 19, 2022 | #MotivationMondayatCapri, Devotion, General, Post
By, Tim Irving – Evangelism Team
It’s your 50th birthday. Family and friends plan a big fete. They book a fancy hall, hire an exclusive caterer, buy expensive presents. The big day comes and the band they hired rocks as everyone dances the night away and has a great time … except for you … because you weren’t invited! Sounds ridiculous, ask Jesus. That’s what the world is doing to Him more and more every year. It has this big December bash but doesn’t invite the guest of honor! Sadly too many people in the world echo this statement a co-worker once made to me. “Christmas would be really great if it wasn’t for all the Christianity!” We can’t control the world’s mindset but we can control how we respond to it. We can say Merry Christmas as often and to whomever we want. We can give to those in need rather than indulge those who have more than enough. While commercialism may use Christmas to fuel the economy, we have all year to give each other gifts. Focus on the gift God gave us, help others to focus on Jesus too. Don’t be obnoxious about it, but don’t be afraid of hurting someone’s feelings because you are honoring the Lord. Christmas is the most beautiful time of the year, as it should be. Have your celebrations, exchange your gifts, but make sure you save the best seat for the invited guest of honor!
Dec 12, 2022 | #MotivationMondayatCapri, Devotion, General, Post
By, Tim Irving – Evangelism Team
Some people say way too much, some people say too little, some people say what needs to be said. Sometimes when we look at the Gospels we wish more had been said about the miracles Jesus performed, the words He spoke, the lessons He taught. The one time saying too much would have been okay, but the Gospel writers said what was needed to be said. We have all we need to understand and obey. We have all we need to know how to be saved. God knows we get confused easy so He kept it simple. Have faith and believe in His Son, repent and accept Him as your Lord and Savior, get baptized as soon as you’re able, and then start living the life to which He called you. Pretty simple really, a logical order of steps to follow. Sadly though, no matter how much, how little, or how just right we tell people about Jesus, some people will not believe. John the Baptist made a chillingly clear statement to his disciples. “He who believes in the Son has everlasting life, but he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.” Jesus did His part and now patiently waits for any who seek Him. His salvation is available to all who choose it! His amazing creation bares witness to His awesomeness daily. His Word speaks to whoever chooses to hear. He has said enough, now it’s up to you to respond!
Dec 5, 2022 | #MotivationMondayatCapri, Devotion, General, Post
By, Tim Irving – Evangelism Team
We may have already had the white elephant bean supper and Family Christmas night on Capri, but the season isn’t into full swing until the choir presents its cantata and yesterday it did! While completing his Master’s degree program amongst all his other duties, Pastor Steve still managed to teach the choir a challenging cantata which they performed flawlessly to overflowing audiences at both services. Thank you Pastor Steve and choir for a moving, meaningful morning. As the season continues to gear up, don’t let all the hustle and bustle, the pressure to buy presents, the parties and parades overwhelm you. Be overwhelmed by that silent night, that holy night when Christ was born. Christmas may be good for the economy, as the world clearly thinks, but Christmas isn’t about the economy or us giving each other gifts. Christmas is about us receiving the greatest gift ever given, God’s gift to us, His Son. Christmas is about receiving Jesus! Enjoy this season, the festivities, the lights, family, friends, but never let the lights on the tree dim the light of the star in the stable!
Nov 28, 2022 | #MotivationMondayatCapri, Devotion, General, Post
By, Tim Irving – Evangelism Team
When Jesus first appeared to His disciples after His resurrection, Thomas wasn’t with them and refused to believe they had seen Him. Thomas had traveled the dusty roads from village to village, he had seen Jesus perform countless miracles, heard the words and teachings straight from His lips, yet he still couldn’t believe it was true, he had to see for himself. It is hard to believe in what you can’t see, what you can’t physically touch. That’s why it’s called faith! Are you a doubting Thomas? Do you sit in a pew every Sunday morning and nod and say amen and go home unsure? Why? You have the witness of the Gospel writers, of Paul, of over 500 brethren who saw Him at one time. You have the words of John, “… but these words are written that you may believe (not doubt) that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name.” Yet the greatest witness is that of the Holy Spirit in our hearts! Time and again, He will touch you in subtle, personal ways that brings peace to your soul. Don’t be a doubting Thomas! Faith takes a commitment, make that commitment and let the Lord have your heart! Christianity isn’t a once a week, Sunday morning thing. If that’s all it is to you, you will have doubts. Christianity is a personal relationship with our awesome, loving Heavenly Father, His Son, and His Holy Spirit, that moves us to follow His word and worship and honor Him, not only Sunday morning but every day! Having a loving, caring church family to do that with is a bonus! Time to trust Him in all things, with all of your heart, and let Him drive your doubts away!
Nov 21, 2022 | #MotivationMondayatCapri, Devotion, General, Post
By, Tim Irving – Evangelism Team
Pastor Curt made a statement yesterday that should echo in our ears for the rest of our lives. “When you are grateful, it changes who you are.” Don’t drop into the lotus position but meditate on that for awhile. Think about the ten lepers Jesus healed near a village in the midst of Samaria and Galilee. All had a fatal disease, all were social outcasts for what remained of their lives, and all were healed. Nine of them were happy they had a life back and quickly took off to pursue it. Only one, in total gratitude, came back and fell at Jesus’ feet and loudly glorified God. Grateful people don’t have big egos. Grateful people aren’t greedy. While they may have unfulfilled desires, they are thankful for what they do have. Grateful people think of others because they know from where all their blessings flow. This Thanksgiving, meditate on Curt’s statement. Has your grateful heart changed you? Think of all the things you have, not what you don’t have or may have lost. Many lost much due to Ian, yet most still have more than much of the rest of the world. Think about all you’ve been blessed with, the beauty of where you live, your family, friends, your church family. It’s the Thanksgiving Holiday, give thanks, be grateful, and let that gratitude humble your heart. Thank You Lord, with a heart of praise and gratitude, we thank You!