Look Through the Saharan Dust

Look Through the Saharan Dust

By Tim Irving – Evangelism Team

Saharan dust, smog, jet contrails, storm clouds, there’s always something trying to block our view of Heaven. Wars, politics, politicians, the economy, work, family, in-laws, outlaws, there’s always something trying to deter us from attempting to look through the smog to see Heaven. Word of advice: never lose sight of Heaven! It is our hope, it is our promise. Yeah, there are a multitude of things to get us sidetracked and discouraged, but what did Peter tell us? “Cast all your cares on Him because He cares for you.” He’s got your back! In Matthew 6:26-34, Jesus lays it out pretty clearly. We worry about earthly things when we should be concerned with Heavenly things. He takes care of the birds, He clothes the flowers, He’ll take care of you. “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.” Be more concerned with building your Heavenly treasure than your earthly one. Never lose sight of Heaven! Forget the storm clouds, think of Stephen. After delivering his evangelical message, the crowd is snarling and gnashing their teeth and getting ready to stone him and Stephen cries out, ” Look, I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God!” Can we get a better example? Blow the Saharan dust away and never lose sight of Heaven!


Why Do You Do

Why Do You Do

By, Tim Irving – Evangelism Team

Why do people do what they do? I mean, what would possess anyone to eat 76 hot dogs in ten minutes? (possessed is a definite possibility) The fame, the glory of holding a world record, the adulation of adoring fans that can’t count to ten? Why do you do what you do? If you are a follower of Jesus the answer is easy or as Paul wrote to the Corinthians, “Therefore, whether you eat or drink, whatever you do, do it all to the glory of God.” Jesus told us to “let our light so shine before men that they may see our good works and glorify our Father in Heaven.” We should be motivated in everything we do, whether at work, at play, on Sunday or Monday, whether driving among snowbirds or waiting in an endless checkout line, to honor the Lord with our actions and speech. People should see something different in us and when they ask what it is, we should happily tell them Jesus! We need to be constantly showing the world Jesus’ love, but we first need to start with our brothers and sisters. The church, His family, should be so overflowing with love that it splashes on all who pass by! Check your motivation. If it isn’t to honor God, better check out why not! Don’t be hiding your light, let it shine so all can see it, unless you’re planning to eat 76 hot dogs. That is a motivation that definitely needs some checking!

Are Your Feet Washed?

Are Your Feet Washed?

By, Tim Irving – Evangelism Team

I’ve said it many times, my favorite trait is humility. My favorite people are smart, talented, and beautiful (or handsome) and they are so humble they don’t think they are any of the three. Humility is sorely lacking in the world today. It has become a society of selfie self-adulation, with humility being an unknown concept. Yet we were given the ultimate example of humility when Jesus, Lord of Lord and King of Kings, only hours before He willingly gave Himself to endure an excruciatingly painful death, knelt down and washed His disciples feet, something only done by the lowliest of servants. Self-adulation is nothing new, the Disciples had already been arguing about who was to be the greatest in Heaven, prompting Jesus to set the example, for them, and for us! “Whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant … just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve …” Can you imagine our country if everyone in DC had that attitude? Can you imagine Capri, Marco, Naples, if everyone had that attitude? Sadly, everyone won’t, but you can! Think of others more highly than yourself. Intentionally strive to be aware of the needs of others and what you can do to help them. Wash their feet (metaphorically) and while it may be hard for you, like Peter, let them wash yours!

Be a Seed

Be a Seed

By, Tim Irving – Evangelism Team

Why are so many people in the world adverse to Jesus? Of course the primary reason is because satan and his army is doing everything it can to defame His name, but could another reason be that they aren’t as adverse to Jesus as they are to Christians? I once had a co-worker say to me, “Christmas would be a great time of the year if it weren’t for all of the Christians!” After I slapped her up the side of the head, we had a calm discussion, but that was one of the saddest things I’ve ever heard. Paul wrote to the Galatian church, “If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.” If we are walking in the Spirit, heeding His promptings, the world can’t help but notice. If we are alive in the Spirit but walking in the flesh, the world will definitely notice that too! What do people notice in you? In His last hours, Jesus told His disciples he who loves this life will lose it but he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternity. Naturally there are things in this life that we love, but are they Godly things or worldly things? As Jesus died for us, so must we die to ourselves. Seeds must die and be planted in order to bear fruit. Be a seed that is planted and grows and produces much fruit. Let the world see Him in us that one day we may see Him in them!

A Nation Like No Other

A Nation Like No Other

July 4th, the birth of a nation like no other. Founded on Biblical principles by God fearing men, our country has been blessed beyond measure. CCC celebrated those blessings this weekend starting off with the Heroes breakfast on Saturday morning to honor the men and women, past and present, who have served or are serving in one of our military forces. Sunday morning, Pastor Steve and the Celebration Choir presented a moving tribute in song at both services followed by an all church dinner at 12:15. Our freedom is a precious thing but it can be taken away quicker than they can be gained. Never take our freedom for granted! Never stop thanking God for His blessing on our country, never stop thanking Him for allowing you to be an American, and never stop thanking Him for our greatest freedom, our forgiveness through Jesus! Enjoy the day, be safe, and celebrate a nation like no other!

Do What’s Right

Do What’s Right

My grandson was in a play on Saturday about a village of wooden people that were so concerned about the opinion of others and earning their stars of approval that they no longer cared about the opinion and approval of the woodcarver who lovingly created them. Max Lucado wrote the play and it is a perfect analogy for today’s society. So, whose stars are you trying to earn? Do you think Mary really cared what anyone thought when she broke open the costly jar of spikenard and anointed Jesus’ feet? A year’s wages poured out and gone! Mary didn’t care because she knew she was doing the right thing. How often, when we know we are suppose to do something for the Lord, do we allow public opinion sway us away? Why would you want to give to the needy when you could buy Jimmy Choo shoes, Callaway golf clubs, or another house instead? Madison Ave says we deserve it or them or whatever it is. There is nothing wrong with having nice things but we need to keep a balance between honoring God and honoring ourselves. Look at all God has done for you, all He has blessed you with! Our faith and trust in Him should grow stronger each day. It doesn’t matter what the world says, look at what He has done for you personally. Mary knew. She did what she knew was right. What is God calling you to do? Don’t let public opinion or personal pampering deter you. Do what is right, do His will!