By, Tim Irving – Evangelism Team

Can you imagine strolling down 5th Avenue, looking at all the overpriced shops and restaurants, and suddenly there is a lion crouching on the sidewalk in front of you lettting out a heart piercing roar? Seems implausible huh? Well, according to Peter, it happens all the time. He warned us, “Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour,” and you look pretty tasty! So, how do you defeat your adversary? Know him, know his ways, his tricks. The devil is a liar, the father of lies, and he loves to deceive people, especially by telling them they are worthless. Yet God puts so much worth on you He let Jesus die for you! How else can we defeat our enemy? Take advice from those who already have! When the devil tried to tempt Jesus with his lies, Jesus calmly and correctly quoted Scripture back at him until he fled. Get in the Word daily, know what it says so you can stand firm in its truth. The Bible isn’t called the sword of the Spirit for nothing! Peter and James tell us to be sober, vigilant, and resist the devil and he will flee from you. Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world! Jesus said, “I am the vine, you are the branches … without Me you can do nothing.” Call on His strength, not your own, this is an adversary you don’t want to take on by yourself. Keep your guard up, let it down and you will be attacked, he is always looking for an opening. So stay strong in Him, and know, even though you may have some skirmishes, the battle is already won!


Let Freedom Ring

Let Freedom Ring

By: Tim Irving – Evangelis Team 

Pastor Steve and the Praise team let freedom ring loud and clear yesterday to begin a joyful celebration of our country’s birth. It was an outstanding performance honoring our nation, those who have fought to preserve our freeoms, and honoring to the Lord. “Freedom echoed down lonely streets” and every nook and cranny of the church. Another inspiring and moving experience, thanks guys. And as if that were not enough, we had our first church dinner in over a year and a half, prepared by Cathy Mc and her hard working crew. She made everything from scratch including hand seasoned and rubbed BBQ, potato salad, beans, cole slaw, and handmade stuffed and iced patriotic cupcakes!Thank you Cathy and crew! While we may only celebrate the birth of our country once a year, we should celebrate the freedom God has given us every day! The cleansing, amazing grace that has freed us from the penalty of sin! We are so blessed to have both physical and spiritual freedom! Let your freedom ring! Let the world know of your spiritual freedom and of the Hero who set you free and wants to do the same for them! Let your spiritual freedom shine so bright that it will attract others. Freedom is a God given gift, let us thank Him for that special blessing now and forever!

The Sabbath

The Sabbath

“The Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath.” Man has an amazing ability to take something and twist it to fit his needs and have it lose its original purpose. The Sabbath (Sunday for us, Saturday for the Jewish culture) was meant to be a day of rest, a time to worship, a day to spend with family. For many of us, Sunday was a day when stores didn’t open, restaurants were closed, and liquor stores were locked. Families looked forward to Sunday dinners, houses were filled with the aroma of cooking roasts and hams, time was spent together. Then the states started abolishing the blue laws and slowly the importance of the Sabbath ebbed away. The best attack of the enemy is the slow subtle one and this was one of his most successful and destructive attacks to our culture and families. We became like a frog in a pot of slowly heating water, not knowing it is being cooked, until it is! Yet, nothing really has changed. The Sabbath is still meant to be observed. We still need a day of rest, we still need to spend time together as a family, and we definitely need to spend time worshipping with fellow believers, now there are just more obstacles to do so. We can’t turn back the clock but we can get out of the pot of water and do whatever we can to observe the gift of the Sabbath and help others to understand its importance. Not an easy task to do in our fast paced society with families spread all over the country, but it’s worth the effort to honor the Lord of the Sabbath and the day He gave us!


Father’s Day

Father’s Day

By, Tim Irving – Evangelism Team

A few words of wisdom for fathers
1 Love your children unconditionally
2 Love your children so much that you discipline them for wrong. behavior
3 Let them see you love their mother so sons will know how to treat a woman and daughters will know how they should be treated by men
4 Let them see you pray
5 Pray for them constantly
6 You teach them about the Lord
7 Tell them repeatedly what God has done for you
8 Teach them to seek wisdom
9 Be able and ready to admit when you are wrong
10 Spend as much time with them as you can
11 Pray for them some more
12 Take an interest in what they are interested in, don’t force them to be mini mees
13 Pray for patience
14 Pray for God’s strength every day
15 Never let your daughters out of the house alone till they are 18
16 Pray for strength when it’s time to let them go

Being a father is a gift from our Heavenly Father, albeit one with awesome responsibillities. Never stop seeking His help in raising your children because, it doesn’t matter who sings, it ain’t ever over, plus before you know it, you’ll be a grandfather!
Happy Father’s Day

Hear Him

Hear Him

By: Tim Irving – Evangelism Team

When Peter, James, and John, went with Jesus up on a high nountain and saw Him transfigured, they must have been awed and frightened. I mean, who wouldn’t be. I’m sure that’s not what they were expecting, yet, they shouldn’t have been surprised. For 1400 years they knew what Moses said about how God would raise up a prophet like him. For 450 years, they knew the words from Malachi foretelling of a prophet like Elijah coming that would prepare the way of the Lord. They had seen Jesus perform miracles and heard the voice when He was baptized, and while it may have been shocking to see Him transfigured, it should not have been surprising. Then the confirming voice from the cloud, “This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased. Hear Him,” must have been totally awesome! Talk about a deal sealer. Peter, James, and John should have ran down the mountain as super evangelists, but Jesus still had work to do and they still had much to learn. We have known the truth for 2000 years, we know all the predictions, the confirmations, we know the beginning and the end, we have the victory,! So, why aren’t we all super evangelist? Well, we’re not all super and we’re not all called to be evangelists. But, we are called to share the Gospel, share love and kindness, care and concern, whenever and wherever we can. And don’t forget God’s command, “Hear Him!” For us that doesn’t mean listening for voices but reading His Word, knowing what it says, and obeying it! And when talking to others, as Pastor Curt pointed out, we have two ears and one mouth for a reason. Listen twice as much as you speak and your wisdom will abound!


Who Is He?

Who Is He?

By: Tim Irving – Evangelism Team

“Who do people say I am?” Jesus asked His disciples. That was an arbitrary question with an inconsequencial answer. The real question was when He asked them, “Who do you say that I am?” Peter got a 100% for his answer, but what about you? “Who do you say Jesus is? Many people tread lightly over that question. Oh, He was a great teacher or a really good man. New agers say He is one of many spirit guides that you can channel?!? In this world, everything is not always black and white, there are many gray areas, but not this! The answer is black or white, not a tint of gray anywhere. Jesus is either who He said He was … or not. There is no middle ground. He is the Son of God or a majorly deluded person. He can’t be a great teacher and all around good guy if He was going around lying to everyone.You either write Him off or accept Him gladly. There are so many choices available today from models of automobiles, different fast food options, hundreds of tv channels, to thousands of apps for your phone, isn’t it nice that there is only one choice to get in to heaven? You accept Jesus’ redeeming grace or you don’t. Really quite simple. One day you will be held responsible for your answer to who do you say Jesus is. The smart money is on He’s the Son of God and my Lord and Savior. If that’s not your response, you might want to look into why it isn’t?