Aug 8, 2018 | Post
Our Second VBS Day, brought us one of my favorites Bible Stories: The Queen Esther.
Esther an orphan child but with an amazing life plan designed by The Lord: She became the queen of the most powerful nation of those times, Persia. She was also the instrument that God used to save the Jews nation from complete extermination.
Our Caprikidz learned that they are part of a perfect plan designed by God and they have a purpose.
We love to see their happy faces during the worship time and the way they are making new friends and learning in the small groups.
We still have three more days of VBS, our team has prepared several surprises, so please, don’t miss the opportunity to invite every kid that you know!
“I have come so they may have life. I want to have it in the fullest possible way”
John 10:10 NIRV.
Aug 8, 2018 | Post
VBS is here! In our first day we had a group of approximately 70 kids, parents and volunteers all AMPED and willing to learn about How God is always with you!
The night started with an energetic moment of songs and worship to the Lord, every song rhythm was very contagious and with a clear message: No matter what…. God is always with you!
We watched a video about Joseph; It was refreshing for our kids to see How God was always there for Joseph in his good times but even more in his bad times.
The small group time started with some snacks and games oriented to reinforce the mean message of today’s lesson. It was a great time to make friends and to know your teacher for a week that in some cases as our Pre-K teacher, she would like to be called Grandma 😊
The night ended with more worship time and a group of kids smiling, keeping in their hearts the wonderful fact that God is always with you!
“I have come so they may have life. I want to have it in the fullest possible way”
John 10:10 NIRV.
Jul 20, 2018 | Post
What a great way to start VBS! Join us, Sunday, August 5th at 5 PM.
We’ll be showing the movie “Sherlock Gnomes”. Pop – corn and drinks will be provided.
Please register at our sign – up center (or calling the church office) for this event and we’ll save you a sit.
This is a great opportunity to invite your family, friends, and neighbors to CCC.
Bring your blankets and get ready to have some fun!
Jun 22, 2018 | Post
Our Capristudents attended BigStuf 2018, Summer Camp.
Everything starts somewhere. The greatest movements and the biggest heroes all had a beginning. Before the success, before the fame, before the impact, there was a time when someone dared to be an original. They dared to do something that had never been done, make something that had never been made, go somewhere that no one had gone before.
Those stories are what BigStuf 2018 is about. Because whether we realize it or not, we are originals. And we have a story. And our story not only tells us who we are, but clues us into where we’re headed: Originals change the world.
Jun 3rd – Jun 8th 2018. Panama City – Florida.
Jun 19, 2018 | Post
This past Sunday we really enjoyed our “Father’s Day Classic” here at Capri. Hopefully you got to enjoy seeing the classic cars & sports cars in our parking lot as you entered the building. Those cars were so sharp looking and really neat for all to see. We were allowed to get really close to the cars taking pictures and inspecting how clean & polished they were. The amount of meticulous work that has gone into these cars to either restore them or maintain the original was quite impressive. A big thanks to our own Mike Cox for organizing the event…we look forward to maybe getting to do that again next Father’s Day.
Pastor Curt preached an excellent message for dads to be set the example in speech, conduct, love, faith, & purity. His message reminded us that we all, not just dads, have that responsibility to set those examples because the world needs that example of how a Christ-follower lives and they are always watching. People may doubt what you say but they will always believe what you do.
As Christians, we need to put the work into being very meticulous about character. The world is watching Christians very closely and even taking pictures and inspecting our lives for the example we set. What kind of impression are you making?
Jun 18, 2018 | Post
Pancakes, sausage, fruit, and drinks…what a great way to start the day! On June 10th the congregation gathered between services to share breakfast and fellowship.
We appreciate all the people who gave of their time and talents to provide the meal…flipping pancakes, filling the entire church with the mouth-watering scent of sausage, serving and cleaning up. Everyone enjoyed the time together to share food and camaraderie.
Please watch for the next all-church lunches and join us for special times to share with old acquaintances and make new friends!