A Nation Like No Other

A Nation Like No Other

July 4th, the birth of a nation like no other. Founded on Biblical principles by God fearing men, our country has been blessed beyond measure. CCC celebrated those blessings this weekend starting off with the Heroes breakfast on Saturday morning to honor the men and women, past and present, who have served or are serving in one of our military forces. Sunday morning, Pastor Steve and the Celebration Choir presented a moving tribute in song at both services followed by an all church dinner at 12:15. Our freedom is a precious thing but it can be taken away quicker than they can be gained. Never take our freedom for granted! Never stop thanking God for His blessing on our country, never stop thanking Him for allowing you to be an American, and never stop thanking Him for our greatest freedom, our forgiveness through Jesus! Enjoy the day, be safe, and celebrate a nation like no other!

Do What’s Right

Do What’s Right

My grandson was in a play on Saturday about a village of wooden people that were so concerned about the opinion of others and earning their stars of approval that they no longer cared about the opinion and approval of the woodcarver who lovingly created them. Max Lucado wrote the play and it is a perfect analogy for today’s society. So, whose stars are you trying to earn? Do you think Mary really cared what anyone thought when she broke open the costly jar of spikenard and anointed Jesus’ feet? A year’s wages poured out and gone! Mary didn’t care because she knew she was doing the right thing. How often, when we know we are suppose to do something for the Lord, do we allow public opinion sway us away? Why would you want to give to the needy when you could buy Jimmy Choo shoes, Callaway golf clubs, or another house instead? Madison Ave says we deserve it or them or whatever it is. There is nothing wrong with having nice things but we need to keep a balance between honoring God and honoring ourselves. Look at all God has done for you, all He has blessed you with! Our faith and trust in Him should grow stronger each day. It doesn’t matter what the world says, look at what He has done for you personally. Mary knew. She did what she knew was right. What is God calling you to do? Don’t let public opinion or personal pampering deter you. Do what is right, do His will!

Bestow It

Bestow It

By, Tim Irving – Evangelism Team

Another Father’s Day has come and gone, and yet, the puzzling question remains. Why does everyone think fathers want to stand over a sizzling grill, with smoke burning their eyes, doing all the work, to celebrate their day? You don’t see mothers slaving away in the kitchen on Mother’s Day. Noooo, they get pampered and taken out to dinner! Anyway … being a father is an awesome privilege but one that also comes with a heavy responsibility. How children relate to their fathers is how they will ultimately relate to their Heavenly Father. Do they see God as the loving, caring, forgiving Father He is? Do they understand rules and boundaries are set for their protection and well being and not for some kind of punishment? Do they see God as someone they can bring their problems and concerns to at any time knowing He will listen and not condemn? The real question is do they see God in you dad? Many children have never seen Godly traits in their fathers and thus their children never see those traits in them either. For those children John Trent and Gary Smalley wrote the best selling book “the Blessing”, giving the gift of unconditional love and acceptance. As Christian fathers, it is our responsibility to bestow that unconditional love and acceptance upon our children just as our Heavenly Father bestowed it upon us!



By, Tim Irving – Evangelism Team

As a photographer, focus is all important. Your point of focus can create a mood, control your depth of field, highlight your subject. As a Christian, our focus is even more important. The world needs to see us focused on the Lord, our trust in Him and His promises. The world focuses on the negative, the half empty glass. It loves to broadcast disasters, deaths, and destruction, keep those sound bites comin’! So much of the world only hears God hates sin, you’re a sinner so you’re going to hell instead of God loves you so much despite of yourself that He allowed His Son to sacrifice Himself so you could go to heaven! The world revels in the negative so much sometimes it is hard to stay positive, but why? We have the God of creation on our side, His Son is out Lord and Savior, and greater is He ( the Holy Spirit) that is in us than he who is in the world! It doesn’t matter how negative the world becomes, we have all the eternal positives going for us! Don’t let the world’s woe’s wear you down. Keep your focus where it belongs. You are a child of the King, you are a saint living in grace, you have a heavenly mansion waiting for you, your needs (not necessarily your desires) will be met! The world may be full of problems but we have the solution! Let us help to bring it into focus for them.

Jesus Wept

Jesus Wept

By, Tim Irving – Evangelism Team

Jesus wept. The shortest verse in the Bible yet it speaks volumes. In His humble humanity, He felt the intense sorrow of His beloved friends for what they thought was the loss of their brother. As Lord of all, He showed His compassion for humble humanity. So many people think God doesn’t care about them. Evidently they have never read or heard His Word! God cares so much for people that He sent His Son to be maligned, mistreated, and misunderstood. He allowed His Son to be tempted in all points as we are that He could relate to our temptations. He allowed His Son to suffer immense pain and to feel forsaken, so we wouldn’t have to be. He cares! When Peter wrote, “cast your cares on Him for He cares for you,” he knew what he was talking about. Martha’s faith was strong. Even though Jesus arrived four days late, she didn’t get upset at Him but said, “… I know that whatever you ask of God, God will give you.” Is your faith strong enough to trust Him for your daily needs? Do you ask Him for them? Jesus wept, because He cares. Trust Him to care for you!