Be a Success

Be a Success

By Tim Irving – Evangelism Team

The world is awed by flash and glitter. Like the Forest Lawn cemetery worker who exclaimed as they lowered a deceased businessman into his grave, sitting upright in his Jaguar convertible wearing an Armani suit with a stogie in his mouth, “Man, that’s living!” Or like rock and hip hop recording artists, covered in gold chains and jewelry, flaunting their excessive lifestyles which capture the eyes and minds of impressionable children. Or sadly, even like the speaker at an Amway convention who wowed the crowd holding up a two foot jewel studded solid gold cross and proclaiming, “you too could own one of these,” if you sold enough of his products. Why would anybody possibly need a two foot solid gold cross? I do believe Jesus’ was made of rough hewn wood! Flash and glitter, doesn’t take much to attract people’s attention. People are like a cat chasing a red laser dot around the room, trying to catch what’s not really there. The world measures success in different ways but you want to know who one of the most successful people in the Bible is? Look at Mark 12:43,44. Probably the least flashy person the Apostles had seen all day, but when the poor widow dropped what little she had into the pot, she was exalted by Jesus and is still being exalted today! Want to be successful? There’s no flash and glitter involved. Give from your heart! Give to be seen by the Lord, not man! Give from what you have, be it abundance or lack. Give with a cheerful spirit and we’re not only talking about money here, We’re talking about the giving of your time, your abilities, your special gifts and skills, the giving of yourself! You want to be really successful? Give the Lord your heart in every aspect of your life!

Be An Influence

Be An Influence

By Tim Irving – Evangelism Team

Some people love power, control, and to use it to influence the thoughts of others into their way of thinking. Sadly, because people have wealth and power, they can do just that, regardless of how many people they may have thrown under the bus to get where they are. You don’t see a lot of humble people doing that. People that know their sinful heart has been cleansed by the blood of Jesus tend to walk in humble thanksgiving. Humble people many times think they have nothing to offer, yet they have the riches of heaven at their finger tips. Christians should be the most influential people in the world. We have the wealth of eternity to offer lost and hurting souls. We are the salt of the earth, time to get seasoning! Let the world see your light, see His love through you, and first and foremost, let your children, grandchildren, see it, feel it, be taught it. We need to be a major influence in the lives of our children, because if we aren’t, the world surely will be! Help us Lord to be who You created us to be, saved us to be, to do what You have for us to do. Help us to obey Your Word, teach our children to do the same, and to be the influence that turns hearts to You.


Be Fresh Water

Be Fresh Water

By Tim Irving – Evangelism Team

James is one of my favorite NT books. It is full of practical advice on how to live and James doesn’t worry if he’s being politically correct or not in his delivery. He hits it hard when it comes to the topic of the tongue. “The tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity.” Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. I would wager that more people have gotten in trouble for things they’ve said than for things they’ve done! You need to use some thought to take an action but words can flow out of the mouth with little thought at all! As Christians, we need to be aware of what we say. The world is watching, and listening too! Take heed to what Jesus said, “that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment.” David, far from perfect in his actions, sincerely wrote from his heart, “let my words be pleasing to You.” Are we concerned about the Lord’s opinion before we speak, does it ever occur to us? Solomon tells us in one of his Proverbs “a kind word makes a glad heart.” Are we striving to make glad hearts, in everyone, everywhere, with both our words and actions? We have opportunities, small and large, everyday to show kindness with our words and actions, and we should constantly be taking advantage of them. As James said, you can’t have fresh and salt water coming from the same spring. Don’t allow the woes and worries of the world turn you brackish! Strive to be a fresh spring of kindness, encouragement, and hope and then you won’t have to worry about being in the long line on judgment day!B

Whose Field Are You Playing In

Whose Field Are You Playing In

By Tim Irving – Evangelism Team

There are many heroes in the Bible that are great examples of someone to look up to, but Samson really isn’t one of them. Yeah, he may have been the first superhero, incredible strength, took out a 1000 Philistines with a donkey’s jawbone, toppled a temple, but he was suppose to be a spiritual leader more than just a warrior. He allowed his ego and his lust to control him until in the end he was left blind and bound with chains at the hands of his enemies. Only through the grace and power of the Lord was he able to make amends and exact justice on his Philistine captors. Instead of being the truly great leader he should have been, he became broken, defeated, and humiliated. Playing in the fields of sin will do that! Pastor Curt made three points yesterday that we need to take to heart and teach others. Sin will take you farther than you want to go! Sin will keep you longer than you want to stay! Sin will cost you more than you want to pay! The world constantly lures and lies to us. Try this, do that, what’s the harm? Don’t listen to God, He’s a killjoy, you can handle it. From the beginning, that old snake in the grass has been trying to tear us down. He’s good at his job and we are pretty soft targets. That’s why Jesus had to do what He did, we couldn’t be reconciled any other way. Rely on Him, His strength, His help. Ask Him to create a clean heart in you. Don’t be like Samson and think you can play in the fields of sin and win! Instead, play in the fields of the Lord and you will never lose!

The Big Picture

The Big Picture

What is the most valuable thing in your life? What can you not live without? What is the first thing you think of when you awake? Apparently, for the average American, it’s their cell phone! I don’t know how or who comes up with these statistics, but supposedly, the average American touches their cell phone 2,617 times each day, spending 2 1/2 hours staring at the small screen! And that’s not counting computers and tv! Technology has trapped the world into instant mindless entertainment and gratification! How many people, as they lie on their deathbed, will be reaching for their cell phones to check how many likes they got on their last, very last, picture? Too many I fear. Instead of the small screen (except for reading this) let’s take a look at King David. A man like us, certainly not perfect (we won’t go into his major blunders), but even in his youth, he was a man after God’s own heart … and God honored him for that! Over and over, David wrote the same theme in Psalms. “My soul longs for You, early will I seek You my soul thirsts for you, I shall be satisfied when I wake in Your likeness, how sweet are Your words to my taste sweeter than honey in my mouth, Your word is wonderful my soul keeps them.” David was sold or souled out for the Lord! We can say we are distracted by the pressures of modern day life and providing for a family, but that doesn’t wash. David had the same to many more pressures than we do, and like us, he failed many times, but he still, as should we, had a heart for God. This life span is miniscule compared to eternity. Get your eyes off the small screen and onto the big picture of forever which starts now with your personal relationship with the Lord!