Nov 14, 2022 | #MotivationMondayatCapri, Devotion, General, Post
By, Tim Irving – Evangelism Team
“All the world is a stage, and all the men and women merely players, they have their exits and their entrances,” begins Jaques in act 1 scene 7 of “As You Like It?” Do you ever feel that’s true? Look back over your life, all the different parts you’ve played, hats you’ve worn, players that have come and gone, dramas and comedies you’ve starred in, doesn’t it seen like one long act 1? So what’s act 2 going to be like? Thanks to Jesus, it’s going to be Heavenly! All because He emptied Himself to become a man, was obedient to His Father, and rose from the grave, act 2 will be awesome! How many times did He tell His disciples what was going to happen; He would be delivered into the hands of men, be killed, and rise on the third day? Many times, so why were they surprised at His resurrection? It sealed the deal, it proved everything He had taught them was true! They must have felt a surge of encouragement as their hearts raced when Mary brought the news of the empty tomb. He is risen, He rose for them, He rose for you! That’s why when act 1 is over, act 2 is going to be really awesome. There are some definite directions in the Script that need to be followed and accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior tops the list. For those that don’t, act 2 isn’t going to be too hot, well … The curtain will fall on act 1 for everyone, where act 2 opens is up to each individual. Let us help all the players to know the truth of who Jesus is, what He has done for them, and what He will do for them. It is never to late to take directions and follow the Script, except when the curtain finally drops on act 1!
Nov 7, 2022 | #MotivationMondayatCapri, Devotion, General, Post
By, Tim Irving – Evangelism Team
Are you a fan or a follower? Do you cheer Jesus and all His teachings from the sidelines or do you humbly follow and obey Him? Unbeknown to the Sanhedrin, of which they were members, Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus were fans of Jesus, which, if the Pharisees and Sadducees knew, would have been a political suicide for them, but they stepped up to the next level when they took and prepared Jesus’ body for burial. They stopped hiding what their hearts told them was true, regardless of the political/social repercussions. What about you? Are you a fan sitting in the bleachers or do you walk your faith on the field? What would someone see if they stalked you for a week? Would they know whether or not you’re a Christian, full or part time? Would they want to know more about Jesus or just change the channel? Talk is cheap, but actions can be costly! For three weeks after Ian, Capri Christian stepped up and let its actions speak volumes. As donations poured in for all the devastated homes on the island, we opened the doors every day to do whatever we could to help ease people’s pain. Supplies and food of every kind were brought in and given out, meals for lunch and dinner were provided by individuals and restaurants, and hearts were softened. The love we profess was evident and felt by all who came in need and hurting. When the needs slowed down and we shifted over to the Community Center, someone said isn’t it good to see the church back to normal! For those three weeks the church was as normal as it gets! Don’t hide your faith. We have what the world needs, Jesus! Don’t just rah rah in the cheap seats, get on the field and let your actions do the talking!
Oct 31, 2022 | #MotivationMondayatCapri, Devotion, General, Post
By, Tim Irving – Evangelism Team
Pastor Steve gave a great message yesterday with a deep point we need to ponder. We all relate in some way or another to one of the people named in the Gospels. We have our favorites be it Peter, Mary Magdalene, one of the sons of thunder, Paul, Luke, John the Baptist, or whomever. We can see ourselves in them and reacting in a similar fashion to situations they faced, but do we ever see ourselves as Barabbas? Of course not, he was a thief, a murderer, an insurrectionist, a sinner convicted of crimes he committed, and he was in jail awaiting the punishment he deserved !(unlike us?) Then there’s Jesus. Innocent, sinless, not deserving a brutal punishment, one which even Pilate tried to avoid enacting but relented under the pressure of the priests, Jesus took Barabbas’ place. Think all the lofty thoughts you want about which person you’re most like, but Barabbas is the one! We may all not be thieves and murderers, but who is there that can avow they have kept all the Ten Commandments perfectly We are the unjust, and like Barabbas, the Just took our place and punishment upon Himself! The world tries to downplay it because of its power, but grace is the greatest gift ever given. Jesus died for Barabbas, He died for me, He died for you, He died so that whoever may choose to accept that precious gift may be received into the gates of Heaven. But, do not be fooled by the enemy,, to whomever chooses not to accept that gift of grace, the gates of Heaven will remain closed! We may think we are Peter, but we need the world to know that we are not saints but we are like Barabbas, a sinner who didn’t receive what they deserved, a sinner saved by grace!
Oct 24, 2022 | #MotivationMondayatCapri, Devotion, General, Post
By Tim Irving – Evangelism Team
Jesus stood before Pilate, the time had come. Falsely accused, the Jewish leaders showed Him no mercy. Pilate showed Him no mercy as he had Him scourged. The Roman soldiers showed Him no mercy as they reviled Him and drove nails into Him! No mercy for the Lord of mercy! What had He done but have mercy on the poor, the sick, the spiritually lost. What He did was to provide mercy for everyone, the poor, the sick, the Jewish leaders, Pilate, the soldiers, for all who would ask throughout the ages. We have mercy because they were merciless to Him. His mercy bridged the gap between God and man. As it has been shown to us, how can we not show mercy to others? We can’t! Our mercy is to be shown to all. Our job is not to be judgmental, God is the only one qualified to judge. Our job is to show mercy regardless of race, nationality, income (or lack thereof), health, or lack of cultural upbringing. His mercy is meant for all. We are not meant to ride on high horses but to walk humbly along the narrow way. Let the world know we are Christians, let them know by our love and mercy!
Oct 17, 2022 | #MotivationMondayatCapri, Devotion, General, Post
I think we can all relate to Peter easily. Devoted, sometimes bold and brash, quite often like a bull in a china shop, quick to speak, slow to listen, Peter was undoubtedly Jesus’ favorite. When Jesus tried to tell the Disciples that He would be leaving them soon and they could not follow right away, Peter had to chime in. I want to go too, why can’t I go with You, I’ll lay down my life for You. In the Garden when the soldiers and mob came to arrest Jesus, who was the only one to draw a sword to defend Him? Then the crunch time came. With Jesus arrested and Peter observing from a darken courtyard, when he was questioned about his relationship with Jesus he denied Him, 3 times! The King of Kings, the Lord of Lords the Name above all names, the Son of God, Peter denied Him for fear of … what? He’d seen the miracles, he saw the affect He had on the arresting mob when hey fell at His declaration, he’d seen Him calm the storm, walk on water, he knew Him, and yet he denied Him. So, what’s our excuse? Why don’t we openly declare His name and brag about our relationship with Him? We know Him, His love and forgiveness, His truth. We know that if God is for us, who can be against us. What we don’t know is how soon He will be coming back, but it feels closer every day. People need the Lord and we need to tell them about Him. Who knows when another surge of one type or another is coming, we may never get another chance with some people. You don’t have to go around thumping people in the head with your Bible, but you do need to thump them with His love to open their ears to hear His truth. He’s not ashamed of His children, His children should not be ashamed of Him!
Oct 10, 2022 | #MotivationMondayatCapri, Devotion, General, Post
As He knelt, alone, as His disciples slept, as His sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground, as the full realization of what He was about to face was upon Him, He asked if that cup could pass from Him, but then Jesus followed His plea with the most powerful response, “Not my will, but Thine be done!” How often do you end your prayers that way? Do you pray to get your will or to seek His? SW FL, Capri on up the coast is hurting. Storms in life do that, cause hurt. Jesus knows hurts, He can help the hurting. In His humanity, He experienced our temptations, our losses, our hurts. For Capri Christian and all the churches and believers in SW FL, there has never been a more opportune time to show His love than in Ian’s wake, and we are! Individuals, churches (from as far as MI), restaurants, and organizations from all over are donating supplies, food, meals, love, and we will continue to do so for as long as the need calls. What is His call for you in this? Pray about it, do what you can, not what you can’t, but be a part of showing His love to this hurting community. As He did for us, let us pray in all things, Thy will, not mine be done.