By, Tim Irving – Evangelism Team

Mothers control the world! Through their loving and nurturing or their total lack thereof, they shape those who control the world. Truly blessed are those who have had godly mothers and what a different world it would be if everyone had had one! Let’s make our mothers proud and strive to follow the Lord’s example. So what was Jesus’ example? He touched the untouchable, He loved the unlovable. He preached His good news but didn’t just stand around talking, He showed people He meant what He said. As the old saying aptly states, “People don’t care about what you know, they want to know that you care.” People are watching us, listening to our words, gauging our actions. They don’t care about our hot air, they care about our integrity and sincerity. You want to make your mother happy and build treasure in Heaven at the same time? Set the example, be the example, be diligent in morality, guard your words, in all things let your conduct be worthy of the Lord. Think the world is a mess today? Think what it would be like if there had never been any godly mothers! Thank the Lord if you had one and set the example for Him even if you didn’t!

See For The First Time

See For The First Time

By, Tim Irving – Evangelism Team

Can you imagine what it must have been like for the man who was blind from birth to have his eyes opened by Jesus? To suddenly put vision to what had previously only been sounds and smells, to see colors, to see the beauty of God’s creation, all at once, for the first time? Whoa! Later when the Pharisees tried to demean Jesus to him, he gave his classic answer. “Whether He is a sinner or not I do not know. One thing I know, that I was blind, and now I see!” The self righteous Pharisees were quick to pass judgment and call anyone who didn’t do things their way sinners. Sadly, they couldn’t see the truth of who Jesus was. Sadly, much of the world is still blinded to who Jesus is, but it isn’t a physical blindness now, nor was it then. As Paul said in 2 Cor 4:4, “Whose minds the god of this age (satan) has blinded, who do not believe …” While physical blindness is tragic, spiritual blindness is a tragedy that lasts forever! We need to help open those spiritual eyes. We need to convey we are all sinners and have sinned, all of us, saved or unsaved, and while we like to deem some sins greater than others, to God sin is sin. We need to help shine the Lord’s light on those blinded spiritual minds, that they may see their need to accept the Savior God provided for us all. It can be a daunting task, but it is one we are called to do. I can still remember, 44 years ago, the joy of the day I could say, I was blind but now I see. Let’s help others to see that joy too!


Be An Example To Others

Be An Example To Others

By, Tim Irving – Evangelism Team

Most fathers aren’t perfect, Robert Young maybe the exception, but these days, with single parenting a norm, many children will never know a father’s love, let alone how to be one! As in all meaningful things, the world and the devil attack, demean, and lessen the importance of that which is important. One of the devil’s most successful attacks has been on the family and the roles of men and women. Without a father teaching his children truth, honesty, morals, and loving them unconditionally, how will they relate to their Heavenly Father when they grow up? They become the society we have today, where lying is an art form and God an after thought! They have learned lying and dishonesty from the top office in the country, politicians at every level, the media, and Hollywood. So what can we do? We can lead by example. Maybe we can’t affect the whole world, but we can affect the world around us. Be an example to your family, your children and grandchildren, your neighbors. Always speak the truth and if the truth can’t be spoken in love, don’t speak. We are all constantly ambassadors for the Lord, but for men, being assigned the post of a father is a top priority. It is an awesome responsibility, and while not many of us are in Ward Cleaver’s class, we all need to do our best to convey the love and truth of the Father!



While every Sunday is a joyous celebration of our risen Savior, you can’t help but take Easter up a notch, and this year was no exception. It started with a fantastic Maundy Thursday service with Pastor Steve and the choir delivering a heart moving cantata featuring communion lead by Jesus and the Apostles in a Last Supper motif. It was a beautiful day for the Easter tent service with Pastor Steve and the praise team leading the worship music, Pastor Wes leading the communion, Pastor Curt with his usual right on sermon, and Pastor Tim delivering the closing prayer to approximately 1000 people. Few realize how much work and how many people it takes to put on our Easter service, but if one heart is changed and given to the Lord, it is all worth it! I would like to thank all the Pastors, the choir and praise team, our new group of men’s actors, all the many volunteers who helped setting up chairs, cleaning chairs, staked out the field, got up early to move and set up equipment, the A/V team, the children’s ministry team, the parking crew, the First Impressions and Welcome Center teams, our nurses, the Celebrate Recovery and Prayer Shawl teams, and the security team for making it a great and safe weekend. It is a team effort and it is a winning team because our Manager is Risen and He is Alive!

Pictures and Article by Tim Irving – Evangelism Team

Your Light

Your Light

Many people don’t like algebra or the fact that if a=b and b=c than c=a. Let’s turn that into a spiritual formula. If Jesus is the light of the world and He is in you than you are the light of the world! What did Jesus say in His Sermon on the Mount? “Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify the Father in Heaven.” First impressions are generally lasting impressions. What impressions of Jesus do you make on people? Do you turn them off with holy self righteousness or turn them on with loving kindness? To quote Pastor Curt, “We are the ears, the hands, and the voice of Christ.” Are we listening to the needs and fears and doubts of others or over talking them with religiosity? Do we physically help with their needs and problems? Do we speak in truth and love? It’s a heavy responsibility being a Christian. You are an ambassador to an eternal kingdom and your tact or lack thereof may turn some people away from ever wanting to become a part of it! Be proud of Whom you represent, His church, His people, but think about your delivery, how you are actually portraying Jesus to others, then get your light out from under the basket, put it up on a hillside, and let it shine to be seen by men!

The Bread

The Bread

By Tim Irving – Evangelism Team

In the prayer (that was meant to be a formula for all our prayers) that Jesus taught His disciples, what was the first thing He told them to ask for? “Give us this day our daily bread.” Not surprising that later on He told His disciples, “I am the bread of life!” Now granted in the prayer,, He’s telling them, and us, to ask God daily for our needs, trusting Him for tomorrow, satisfied with what we have today, but the bread Jesus represents goes a lot deeper than daily needs. His bread, His body, was sacrificed for us. His drink, His blood, was shed for us! To accept His bread, His drink, is the crux of the Gospels! He showed us how to live through His life, He showed us who He was through His death! We probably unfairly judge some of His disciples who walked away when they heard Him talk about His body being the bread and His blood the drink, but we don’t understand how hard it was for them to culturally gasp. It still is today yet communion and what it represents is one of our holiest rites. He wants us to be one with Him which makes us one with the Father. Jesus is the bread of life! Don’t go a day without asking for your daily bread. Don’t go a day without the Bread of Life!