Train Them

Train Them

Conspiracy theories can be fun, especially if you’re paranoid. For years, there’s been the theory of a conspiracy to dumb down America. Well, look around, turns out it wasn’t just a theory after all! I read an article that said eight out of sixteen antifa activists arrested in Seattle were teachers! Who is teaching our children? More importantly, who is teaching our children about God? In Deut 6, Moses makes it pretty clear who God expects to do the teaching. “And these words which I command you today, shall be in your heart; you shall teach them diligently to your children and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.” Did ya get the big YOU? Sound like a lot of teaching? It is, but think of all the negative teaching our children are constantly getting from TV, movies, video games, school, their friends! There is a warfare going on and it is for the souls of our children, our grandchildren! Can we really do too much to help them know the Lord? Prov 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Train up a child, if we as parents, grandparents don’t do it the world will and you see what the result of that is in our country today! We need to commit to lovingly guide our children to know and understand that “you shall love the Lord your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your might.”

By: Tim Irving – Evangelism Team

Fan The Fire

Fan The Fire

FIREIn these times it’s hard to get excited about anything. Viruses, violence, and a vacuum in unity, we are fast becoming the dis-united states One could easily become discouraged, depressed, but that’s only if your eyes are on man … who is not in charge! Countries may collapse, but God doesn’t need countries, He needs people, He uses people! We are His church, and regardless of worldly turmoil, our mission is the same and nothing can ever change that. We need to fan the fire He has put in our hearts. We need to continue in His Word and prayer more than ever. We need to pray for our country but we need to pray for the individuals who are a part of it more! Pray for the lost, the fallen, the helpless and homeless. It’s individuals that make the difference. Pray for wisdom, pray for His help in all things, pray for eyes to see those that need the Lord and pray for what you can do to help lead them to Him. We will get back to semi-normal someday. Look forward to being together again, enjoyably serving one another using the gifts He’s given you. I miss the fun of being together, working together, serving together. Don’t let your flame go out! Fan the fire, keep His passion burning in your heart, and look forward to being together again soon!


Where To Turn

Where To Turn

“Pride goeth before a fall.” Wise words, pride can be deadly! Being proud of something or someone is one thing, but being too proud to admit mistakes or ask for help is a whole different animal. Jairus was a ruler of a synagogue, a man of faith, but under the leadership of the Sanhedrin. He loved his daughter dearly. When she became sick to the point of death, he humbly turned to Jesus for help, disregarding those in authority over him. He loved his daughter more than the opinion of his peers. What stops you from turning to Jesus, pride or man’s ridicule? There is no situation in life that we can’t or shouldn’t turn to the Lord. He wants you to, He tells you to, so why don’t you? With age comes wisdom and I have learned the hard way what happens when you run ahead of prayer. I don’t even go looking for photographs without praying for His eyes to see. When we see the mess of man, the chaos of the world, why do we think we can do anything without His help? Jairus’ humble faith was rewarded with the return of his daughter. Those that scorned Jesus were put out of the house and missed out on seeing the blessing. Don’t let pride, unpopular opinion, or peer pressure hinder you, but in faith, turn to God in all things. Don’t worry about trying to please men who can do little for you, but please God who will bless and reward you richly!

Big Picture

Big Picture

God has blessed us so much. He has given us life, a beautiful world to live in, forgiveness through Jesus, filled us with His Holy Spirit, never forsakes us, and gives us eternal life with a heavenly home. He has made each one of us unique, with special gifts that we are to us for His glory, and to show the world His love. That doesn’t mean we all are suppose to be pastors or evangelists or missionaries, but we all are to be ministers. He is counting on us to use our uniqueness to be ministers in and out of the church. Let’s not let Him down as many others have. Look at Solomon. He was given it all, wealth and wisdom beyond compare, even by today’s standards. The world came to his doorstep to admire and seek his wisdom. In his own words, “I denied myself nothing.” He was so blessed by God, he had been given so much, and yet, knowing God’s commands, he still disobeyed and took foreign wives. His nine hundred wives did him in (that’s a surprise) and he started following their abominable gods. After all God did for him he still turned away, a major let down, but it doesn’t have to be of an epic proportion to let God down. Knowingly or not, we all let God down one way or another almost every day. These are unprecedented times. It’s easy to say we are being set up for the end times (watch out when that thermometer turns into a scanner) but regardless if they are or not, God expects us to be His ministers, to do His work of love and caring, encouraging one another, helping others meet their needs, and telling people about Jesus. For all that He has done for us, that is the least we can do for Him. We all have a part in God’s big picture and while He doesn’t expect us all to win an Oscar, we still should be trying to get a nomination!



This 4th of July has been a very bittersweet time. Thank you Pastor Steve, Larry Ford, and Pastor Curt for yesterday’s service. The opening video that Steve chose was outstanding, you should check it out if you missed it. Larry’s singing was moving as always and Curt’s message was very timely. Our country isn’t perfect, never has been, never will be, but it is still the best place in the world to live.The homeland we belong to, the one we long for, isn’t here yet, but God has given us a beautiful land to take care of till He calls us home. Our beautiful land is under attack, but not to worry, we have the world’s most powerful weapon with which to defend it … prayer! There are changes that need to be made but those changes must first take place in people’s hearts. It isn’t politicians but prayer that will make the difference in our country. We first need to examine our own hearts, pray as David did, “create in me a clean heart O Lord,” and then we can pray for the Lord to change the hearts of others. As Christians, we need to be the leaders, the examples of caring, showing respect to everyone, of showing love, and if that love entails wearing a mask, wear the mask! The Lord can turn things around in a heartbeat, but until He does, His people need to be in serious prayer, be willing to pray “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven,” and then accept whatever His will may be!

Seeing The Future

Seeing The Future

How you see your future impacts how you live your life today, was one of the many practical points Pastor Steve shared at the second service yesterday, and one that bears some reflection. Applying for a car salesman job, the interviewer asked me where I saw myself in 10 years and I quickly answered retired. I didn’t get the job. Our outlook for the future does play an important part in our daily lives. In these turbulent times, full of uncertainty, I don’t know how anyone that doesn’t know the Lord can get excited to face a new day. Political and social upheaval, deadly viruses, the economy hanging by a thread, the future looks pretty bleak … unless you are God’s child, have accepted His grace, been adopted into His family, and have been given your place in heaven. Then this world is no longer your home, you are an alien passing through, your citizenship is in heaven, you have become an ambassador for Christ! Being an ambassador isn’t always easy, quite often it can be pretty tough. You will need to learn to respond to people as God would and not react as human nature does. When you get discouraged, keep remembering that one day you will be recalled from your ambassadorship to your glorious homeland where there are no tears or hurts or final goodbyes. You will be where you belong! Every good ambassador wants to leave a legacy, and you will, of one type or another. Strive to leave a legacy of love and kindness, a legacy that touched hearts and turned them to the Lord. Don’t lose heart, be patient, your homeland will always be waiting for you. When things start getting you down, just sing the ambassadors anthem. “All I know is I’m not home yet, this is not where I belong. Take this world and give me Jesus, this is not where I belong!”