

By: Tim Irving – Evangelism Team

This is not a typical Motivation Monday, but because this my 246th consecutive MotMons, I didn’t want to break the flow. Last Sunday night Patty came down with Fluvid – the next strain. (she likes to rename things and it’s very apropos) and by Wednesday she shared it with me and by new year’s day we were both half dead! I have never had such an all encompassing virus. Vicious headache, neck ache, back aches, eye aches, muscle aches, bones ache, chest pains, dry cough, sore throat, fevers, chills, sweats, and the worst complete exhaustion. If you stand up for a minute you have to lie down for an hour. It’s killing me sitting here typing this. I would not wish this on anyone. So this is meant to give you motivation to pray. Pray for protection for family and friends. Pray for any you know with medical conditions that they don’t get it Pray for those who have it. Pray for the Lord to give wisdom to the researchers that they may totally find a cure for this thing, but as in everything pray Thy will be done. We both have been vaccinated which is a good thing. Your have to do what you feel is right, but trust me, you don’t want this! Take precautions, be safe, and have a happy new year.


No Shadows

No Shadows

By Tim Irving – Evangelism Team

December is an exhausting month. So many functions, dinners, church dinners, cantatas, singing Christmas trees, boat parades, golf cart parades, parade parades, white elephants, children’s programs, Taste of Christmas, Winter Wonderland family night, light rides, candlelight services, service services, and on and on! Phew! All lots of fun, many very worshipful, all a part of the season. So, what do we do now? We live the life the Lord called us to live! Celebrating His birth for a month is definitely called for, but so is eleven months of showing His love. Let me challenge you with something an old hippie high school friend put on FB. She didn’t write this but could have. “I’m so sick of people walking around with a mouthful of Scripture and a heart full of hate!” That stung me when I read it, not because it casts a shadow on me, but it definitely shades what some people will think of the Lord! Everything we do or say must be done in love, His love. If you don’t have His words in your heart, they don’t belong in your mouth! Starting today, check the mirror daily to make sure there aren’t any logs in your eye. Think before you speak, think about what you’re saying. You are Christ’s ambassador. He’s counting on you to build bridges, not burn them down! Make sure your words and actions match His and let your light shine so bright that it drives any shadows away!



By Tim Irving – Evangelism Team

I don’t know about you, but even after studying the Bible for over 40 years, I still struggle with the minor prophets. Not all that hot on a lot of the major prophets either, but amazingly, there are few people that don’t understand the meaning of Isaiah 9:6. “For unto us a Child is born. Unto us a Son is given.” Much of the world may choose to ignore or not believe those words, but their truth has not stopped ringing down the halls of the ages! That glorious night when Christ was born and the world was changed forever! “And they shall call His name Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Exalted names for such a humble beginning. In humility we should exalt Him! The Prince of Peace truly brought peace, and His peace should reign in our hearts! He came to bring peace between God and man. To give us His peace, not as the world gives, but an everlasting peace we can embrace daily! Enjoy this special time of the year, rejoicing, as the angels did, in your hearts, and don’t let the calendar dictate the end of the season because there is no end to His peace and joy! Merry Christmas!

Make It Simple

Make It Simple

By: Tim Irving – Evangelism Team

It’s still “tis the season to be jolly, fa la la la la la la la lah!” Yet sometime we get so caught up in doing for the season, we can’t tell our fa’s from our la’s! I know the economy needs the revenue the season produces, but commercialism is taking over more every year, and the season isn’t about the economy or commercialism. It’s about the birth of the Savior for all mankind, the beginning of the end of the rift between God and man, it’s about God reaching down to us, giving us the ultimate gift, not about us giving each other presents. God chose for Him to be born to a simple family of a carpenter and his young wife. He was born in a simple stable. He was worshipped by simple shepherds. Notice a pattern here? Christmas shouldn’t be complex or frustrating or frazzling. It should simply be a time to rejoice with loved ones over the greatest gift ever given. Slow down, pace yourself, both in what you do in and out of the church, reflect on simpler times, share and if you are able, be generous with those in need. Give each other gifts, but don’t make that the overwhelming priority. This is the most special time of the year! Enjoy it, enjoy each other, and thank God, that because of His gracious gift, His Son, you are able to have the Spirit of Christmas in your heart all year long!

Tis The Season

Tis The Season

By Tim Irving – Evangelism Team

Tis the season is upon us and if there is any doubt, you obviously weren’t at the cantata yesterday. Pastor Steve and the celebration choir nailed it again to two packed houses. Beautiful music and choral singing, two talented solos, songs and a short message all honoring the Lord, made for an inspiring opening for the Christmas season. It seems Christmas comes earlier and faster every year and the events keep rolling in. Just this week is Pastor Curt’s bean soup supper and white elephant exchange on Thursday, the kids Community Christmas celebration on Friday, and the Taste of Christmas and concert on Sunday night! Enjoy the events, the parties, the dinners with family and friends, the shopping, the excitement, but don’t miss the awe! God sent His Son to become one of us that He may atone for all of us! He is the gift above all gifts! Don’t knock yourself out trying to find the perfect gift, it’s already been given. Instead, share that awesome gift whenever and with whomever you can. Every time you see a manger scene, let the awe of what it represents overwhelm you! As fast as these next twenty days will fly by, slow yourself down, look at the beauty of the decorations with innocent child like eyes, as for the first time, and humbly thank our Heavenly Father for that awe filled night when the angels proclaimed our Savior’s birth!