Mar 28, 2022 | #MotivationMondayatCapri, Devotion, General, Post
By Tim Irving – Evangelism Team
In the prayer (that was meant to be a formula for all our prayers) that Jesus taught His disciples, what was the first thing He told them to ask for? “Give us this day our daily bread.” Not surprising that later on He told His disciples, “I am the bread of life!” Now granted in the prayer,, He’s telling them, and us, to ask God daily for our needs, trusting Him for tomorrow, satisfied with what we have today, but the bread Jesus represents goes a lot deeper than daily needs. His bread, His body, was sacrificed for us. His drink, His blood, was shed for us! To accept His bread, His drink, is the crux of the Gospels! He showed us how to live through His life, He showed us who He was through His death! We probably unfairly judge some of His disciples who walked away when they heard Him talk about His body being the bread and His blood the drink, but we don’t understand how hard it was for them to culturally gasp. It still is today yet communion and what it represents is one of our holiest rites. He wants us to be one with Him which makes us one with the Father. Jesus is the bread of life! Don’t go a day without asking for your daily bread. Don’t go a day without the Bread of Life!
Mar 21, 2022 | #MotivationMondayatCapri, Devotion, General, Post
By – Tim Irving – Evangelism Team
A lot of people claim great things. Muhammad Ali claimed to be the greatest boxer, Michael Jackson dubbed himself the King of Pop while Elvis was really the King and Aretha Franklin the Queen of Soul. Mohammad claimed to be a teacher and prophet called by God and Confucius was claimed to be a great philosopher and political theorist. There have been countless kings and queens, philosophers and prophets, but only one Son of God! Unlike the many untalented celebrities and musicians of today who travel with entourages to fan their egos and flaunt their so called greatness, Jesus merely humbly and obediently did His Father’s will. How many times did He tell His disciples if they knew Him, they knew the Father? He didn’t fill the air with self laudatory phrases about Himself as the world does, but He let His actions and words of truth speak for themselves. There have been many great men throughout history that have produced marvelous accomplishments, but the name of Jesus is the only one of which it can be said, “there is no salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” Jesus’ greatness didn’t need to be bolstered by man’s boastful words, on more than one occasion His Father did that for Him. His greatness (aside from being the Son of God) came from His humble, obedient sacrifice. He knew what lay ahead of Him, He knew what He would have to endure, but He also knew what was going to be accomplished. That’s why, with humility yet with great confidence, He could tell His disciples and all of those who were to come after, that, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but by Me.” Because He is the Son of God!
Mar 14, 2022 | #MotivationMondayatCapri, Devotion, General, Post
By Tim Irving – Evangelism Team
Pastor Curt pointed out something yesterday from John 5 that I have read hundreds of times but never really caught. The lame man by the pool was just sitting there. He wasn’t chasing after Jesus or crying heal me, heal me, or proclaiming his great faith. He was just sitting there. When Jesus approached him, he didn’t even know who Jesus was! When Jesus asked if he wanted to be healed, he of course said yes and Jesus told him to get up and get going. Without even knowing who he was in the presence of, sitting there with only his belief in local lore, God healed him! We tend to put God in a box of our own design, expecting Him to work within the confines of the limited space we give Him, but God can do whatever He wants, the way He wants, and He does. Do we not experience the miraculous because we don’t think it is meant for us? Do we limit God’s working in our lives? God is the God of the miraculous! The Creation bursts with His miraculous, creative hand. Don’t limit the Lord in your life! Seek Him each morning, ask Him for help throughout the day, ask for His help in every aspect of your life, expectantly!. You may not see any parting of the waters, but who knows. He can do anything He wants, His way not ours!
Mar 7, 2022 | #MotivationMondayatCapri, Devotion, General, Post
By Tim Irving – Evangelism Team
People love to pass the buck or as Freddie Printz aptly put it, “That’s not my job man.” The Lord commissioned the Apostles to “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things I have commanded you …” The Apostles have all gone to be with the Lord, so whose job is that now? Must be the Pastor’s, that’s not my job man! How many farmers do you know that do all the work on the farm by themselves? Do they plow, sow, water, weed ’em, and reap all alone? No, they hire hands to help and especially at harvest time, the laborers reap that which they haven’t sown. Jesus said to His disciples, “Lift your eyes and look at the fields, for they are white for harvest … one sows and another reaps. I sent you to reap that for which you have not labored, others have labored and you have entered into their labors.” Pastors are meant to teach, edify, and build up the body that the body may get to work and start bringing in the sheaves. This is the time that the buck stops here! It may not have been Freddie Printz’s job, but it is ours. So sharpen your sickles and let’s get to work!
Feb 28, 2022 | #MotivationMondayatCapri, Devotion, General, Post
By, Tim Irving – Evangelism Team
It’s amazing how people can become divided on just about any issue and then believe that their opinion is the only one that matters and everyone else is out to lunch. Even when it comes to worshiping God, especially when it comes to worshiping God! There are over 4000 recognized religions in the world. When you’re talking billions of people I guess that’s understandable but not when it comes to Christianity! In the U.S. alone there are 200 denominations but world wide there are 45,000 different denominations of Christians! Are you serious? God gave us His Word, His Son, His Spirit so we all could become His children, one family. I know many families don’t get along to well, this isn’t an earthly family but an eternal one! When you get to heaven, do you think there will be a gate for Baptists only, a sign pointing Methodists over there, Charismatics enter through the purple door? I don’t know about you, but I’m a Christian not a denomination! God doesn’t care what building you worship in but that you worship in truth and love and that it comes from the heart. As Jesus told the Samaritan woman by the well, “But the hour is coming and now is, when true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” God isn’t impressed with fancy buildings, the color of hymnals, or long repetitive prayers. He is impressed with heartfelt sincerity and that you know His truth. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life Know Him, spend time with Him, in His Word and prayer. Study His Word so you know the truth and won’t be deceived by false teachers. Who knows what tomorrow may bring, covid showed us that. So, whether in a crowd or all alone, worship Him in spirit and truth and with a sincere heart. We are one family, one church, let the world know we are Christians by our love not because we have the tallest steeple.
Feb 21, 2022 | #MotivationMondayatCapri, Devotion, General, Post
By – Tim Irving – Evangelism Team
Because it is such a normal thing to us, Jesus talking to the Samaritan woman at the well, it’s hard for us to understand why His disciples were so shocked when they returned from buying food in the village, but Jesus was breaking major social boundaries. Jews didn’t have any dealings with the Samaritans, let alone private conversations, especially not alone with a woman! But that’s what Jesus did, He got His hands dirty. He didn’t let social bias, poverty, or disease stop Him from ministering to people. He didn’t talk about loving people, He showed people love! He knew the Samaritan woman wasn’t high on the social respectability scale but He still offered her the living water only He can provide, the same living water he offers everyone, regardless of their worldly position. It’s comforting to know that God isn’t impressed with worldly accomplishments. He doesn’t care if you’re a prince or a pauper, a peon or a politician, a pastor or a priest, He offers His living water to all! If you have accepted and received His gracious gift, don’t hang out in ivory towers, get out and don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty! The world, not only who we think deserves it, but the world, needs the Lord! The world needs that living water, time to take them to the well!