Jan 18, 2021 | #MotivationMondayatCapri, Devotion, General, Post
I’m so glad that God’s love is amazing. That He accepts us as we are, that we don’t have to be cookie cutter clean to become a member of His family. The righteous religious rulers were stunned, as most likely were the Disciples, when Jesus called Matthew to join them. A tax collector was the lowest of the low in everyone’s eyes, but not Jesus’. He called Matthew as he was, warts and all, to serve in a special way, just as He did to us. I’ve always loved Jesus’ reply to the Pharisees that “those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick.” The world is full of sick people that need the Lord’s healing and what better place is there for them to go than His church? A place full of other sick people but ones that are on the road to being totally healed. It’s doors should always be open and ready to receive anyone seeking help. There is no one God cannot save and use, from any walk of life, and there is no one who should ever enter the church and not feel His love. Maybe churches should have a cross on their steeples and a red cross on their doors. People need to know they aren’t entering to be judged but that they are coming into a place of love and healing. May Capri Christian always be that place!
Jan 11, 2021 | #MotivationMondayatCapri, Devotion, General, Post
Tim Irving – Evangelism Team
1 Samuel 16:7 has always been one of my favorite scriptures and having lost every beauty pageant I’ve ever entered, a very consoling one as well. But even better, it shows how God doesn’t first look at irresponsible actions and thoughts, quick misjudgments or misspoken words, He first looks at the heart and its true intent. We all make blunders and say foolish, impulsive things. Look at King David. His list of sins were many, but he was God’s chosen because God knew his heart. So, how’s your heart? Do you love the Lord with all your heart? Is your heart committed to Him first? Do you seek to have a pure heart? (not easily obtained but something to strive for) Do you have a servants heart? What does God see when He looks at your heart? We serve a mighty yet forgiving God. He doesn’t light up our mistakes in a neon sign for all to see, He forgives and forgets. We will continue to blunder until He finally brings us home, but until then let’s all strive to show our love, our commitment, to be pure in thought and deed, and to have a servant’s heart. (even leaders are servants and those at the end of the line will get the same reward as those in the front) Even though God doesn’t look at it, let’s let that little heart of ours shine so bright that it can’t help but be seen in our outer appearance!
Jan 4, 2021 | #MotivationMondayatCapri, Devotion, General, Post
By Tim Irving – Evangelism Team
Well, the new year is already flying by, so before it gets away from us, let’s think about the most important topic we should be concerned with first. What will God require of us this upcoming year? Easy answer is to be like Jesus in all situations, responding as He would. Yet many years before Jesus, God had already told His people what He expects of them. In Micah 6:8, He lays it out pretty simply. “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does He require of you? To act justly and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.” There’s the litmus test to tell if someone loves the Lord. They will obey Him and that obedience requires, and will be seen, when they act with justice, mercy, and humility, none of which I see in DC, and there is very little to be seen in professional athletes, movie stars, music idols, or so called internet celebrities, all of which, intentional or not, are portrayed as role models for our children. We can’t make others act as the way they should, we aren’t responsible for them or their actions and they will be called into account for them one day, but as Christians we are responsible to show our relationship with the Lord to the world and our love and obedience to Him will be a light to a dishonest, heartless, prideful world! So this year, let your light shine, let your love shine, and walk humbly with your God!
Dec 28, 2020 | #MotivationMondayatCapri, Devotion, General, Post
It’s that time when people make resolutions for the upcoming year that are usually unrealistic and unattainable. As 2020 proved, life is unpredictable and fragile, so let’s be intentional with our goals for 2021. Something Pastor Curt said yesterday could be a world changer if everyone resolved to do it. “Love others as you want to be loved.” Philosophers love to debate the question is it better to give love or receive love, but their answer is moot because, “We love because He first loved us. “Without His love we wouldn’t know where to start. He set the example. He loved us by giving His Son, He loves us with endless forgiveness, blessings, guidance, and if necessary, discipline. Because we have received heavenly love, we can show earthly love. Maybe individuals can’t change the whole world, but they can change the world around them. Resolve for 2021 to be the year you love as you want to be loved, to forgive as you want to be forgiven, and make the most of whatever time you have for who knows what tomorrow may bring. Have a blessed and happy new year.
Dec 21, 2020 | #MotivationMondayatCapri, Devotion, General, Post
By, Tim Irving – Evangelism Team
If you ask most people what one of their favorite childhood memories is, they’ll answer Christmas morning and seeing presents under the tree. Then as parents, the memories of hiding presents, staying up into the wee hours trying to figure out how to put together supposedly simple bicycles, dollhouses, or wagons, and then the look on their children’s faces when they first see them, are forever etched in their hearts. Too many people fill themselves with unneeded angst searching stores for the perfect present to give their loved ones at Christmas, when the perfect present was already given … Christmas itself! You cannot out give God in anything but He did out do Himself the day Jesus was born in that manger. From glory to humility to dishonor to glory, Jesus came and lived and died and rose that we may live with Him forever! What greater gift is there than to be invited into God’s home for eternity? Don’t give yourself angst this year, give Jesus to your loved ones instead. People so readily accept earthly gifts from people, pray they may accept the ultimate heavenly gift from God. Like the rest of 2020, the Christmas celebration won’t be normal (whatever that is) but may you all have a Merry Christmas and let’s all stay motivated for 2021!
Dec 14, 2020 | #MotivationMondayatCapri, Devotion, General, Post
Our ladies had a wonderful dinner with great entertainment from our CapriKids.